Chapter 15

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Nina went to her quarters that she shared with Luke

She hoped that he would be there, otherwise she had ran for nothing

She finally arrived and swiped her card

"Luke!" She yelled

No answer

Nina stepped into their room and saw a card on the table

She flipped it over to see a message

Hey love,
If you are home and I'm not here, Mr Hood assigned me to something. I'll be back tonight though so don't worry, I'll see you soon :)

Nina sighed and flopped onto the bed

She needed to tell Luke, and fast....

Luke tapped his fingers against the dashboard

He was going to meet up with Chloe

On the note he wrote, he lied

Luke didn't want to tell Nina what he was doing because he didn't want her following him

He sighed as he reached the agreed spot

Opening his door, he looked at the surroundings

Just an old office building with some large crates

Why the hell would they meet here?

Luke stepped forward to see a shadow in the frame of the entrance

The shadow stepped forward and Luke saw a blue haired girl come into view

"Chloe?" He questioned

She took another step forward and looked at him

"Luke, can we talk?" She questioned

He nodded slowly and followed her into the office building

The building was very damp and quite crammed

"So what do you want to talk about?" Luke asked

"I think it's time, to join" Chloe spoke simply

Luke gulped

He had been in touch with Chloe for some time and he wanted to join their new agency

It just seemed right at the time, now he wasn't so sure

"I'd depends" Luke said

Chloe nodded for him to carry on

"Nina has to be safe. No attacks, no nothing" Luke said slowly

Chloe sighed and sat on a chair

"I can't promise anything Luke, I'm sorry" she spoke, the true Chloe coming out

"I know that you care about her, a lot, but if you go with this.... Then you won't be able to contact her ever again" Chloe exclaimed

"If it means taking down centipede, then I'm in" Luke said sternly

Chloe nodded, a hint of worry in her eyes

"Ok, I'll get you something sorted at the quarters then" she whispered and walked out

Luke arrived back at his and ninas 'home'

He walked in and saw that the lights were off

"Hello!" He yelled

He heard some rustling in the other room and slowly turned the handle

Nina was flipping through a book and looked up

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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