Chapter 6

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Chloe's POV
I closed my locker and sighed

I had to gather evidence to find out who the agent is from centipede and who took Nina.

All of this could be linked somehow, but how?

"Hi" i turned and Ashton was stood there

"Oh hey Ashton" I said, he didn't know about all this

"So just asking, where did Nina go yesterday?" He asked leaning over on the locker

"Oh that, well funny story, actually not that funny. Basically her sister called and said she needed some help with homework, so she left being the great sister she is" I smiled

There was a pause

"So where is she now?" He asked

"Why do you care so much? Oh my god Ashton you like her!" I said quickly

"No, anyone of your friends is my friend. So I'm looking out for her, please answer my question" he sighed

"Oh okay, she's actually a bit ill. Yeh bug going round" I sighed

"Oh I see..." He started

"Actually I feel a bit ill right now, I might go get some water" I lied

"Okay well see you in class" he said walking away

I waved at him and started to the computer room

"So I have a English project due in and I was wondering if I could use your computers to finish it" I explained to the teacher at the desk

"But your class is in 5 minutes" she said

"I like English, so I'll be fast" I winked and hurried off to a computer

I pulled out my memory stick and plugged it in

I viewed a lot of the schools data base, thanks to the tech geeks.

"No too innocent, no to quiet" I mumbled going through the list

I got to the bottom and had nothing

"You have got to be kidding me!" I yelled

"What's the problem dear?" The teacher said

I quickly closed the page and went onto PowerPoint

"Well the website I was using didn't have anything on Shakespeare, like can you believe it" I said

"Oh well I'm sorry but your class starts in 1 minute so I suggest you get going" she called

"Okay and miss?" I asked

She nodded

"Could you tell my teacher I might be a tad late, I'm feeling ill and I need a glass of water" I lied again

"Oh okay, now go" she smiled

"Thanks!" I yelled and ran out of the room

I ran down the corridors to my class and made it just in time

"I see you got your water!" Ashton said

"Yep" I smiled and sat down

"Class you have a test today" the teacher said and waved some papers in the air

I sighed

"Oh yes! I love these!" Ashton said excitedly

"Ash, you what! I'm just going to copy off you" I laughed

"Go ahead, don't want you to be getting bad grades now do we" he smiled

"Well I could but it wouldn't look good" I smiled

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