He Holds You

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He Holds You

Liam: Your teeth were chattering. If you shook any harder your body was going to fall apart. The wind chomped through your winter jacket, sinking its icy teeth into the skin below. You groaned to yourself, you were miserable. Liam was bouncing beside you, singing his favorite lyrics to his favorite song impervious to the cold. When had had asked you to come to this outdoor concert festival you had to say yes. He was so excited, his eyes were glowing. You would have felt bad letting him down by saying no. So instead you said yes and he rewarded you with a smacking kiss to your lips. Now, four months later, here you were shivering your ass off. The best part was that the concert still had at least another hour or so to it. You hated complaining, Liam was in the best mood and having a wonderful time but you honestly didn’t know if you could make it till the end. You tapped him on the shoulder, your body convulsing. “Yeah, babe?” He said never taking his eyes off the stage. “I’m freezing,” you pressed the icy tips of your finger to his cheek and he brought his eyes to yours. “Babe, your like an icicle!” He took your small hands between his, pressing them to his mouth and puffing out hot breaths. You shivered, your eyes locked on his as his lips grazed your fingers with every breath. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” he took off his beanie and stuffed it on your head making sure it covered your ears. “You were having fun, I didn’t want to ruin it.” He shook his head exasperated. “You are my biggest priority now come here and get warm.” Happily, you went into his arms. You pressed your nose into his chest as his strong arms came around you, his body heat surrounding you. You closed your eyes, the smell of his cologne and something that was just so Liam enveloping you. Liam leaned his head next to your ear, singing all the songs to you, his lips moving over your face. Maybe this concert wasn’t so bad after all.

Harry: Harry always had his arms around your waist. He loved that he towered over you. He would never admit it out-loud but he felt like such a man standing behind your small frame. It was just a little reminder of how much he could take care of you, how much you depended on him. He liked that. A lot. His hands slipped just below your ribs, his broad shoulders curving around yours as he kissed your cheek softly. “Hi, baby,” he murmured softly as you stood at the kitchen sink. He always stood like this. Especially if you were out in a crowd. He liked knowing that if anything was coming from behind, he’d be first to take the blow. This also offered him the view of what was going on in front of him. His eyes were always scanning the room, making sure you were safe from harm. You were his girl, his love, his life. Harry could never forgive himself if anything happened to you, so maybe he was a little crazy where your safety was concerned. But mostly, above all, he just liked holding you. There was something so relaxing about the smell of your perfume and shampoo surrounding him, your small fingers linked in his. He liked being able to bend down and kiss you whenever he wanted. ”Hi, yourself,” you said leaning back into his chest as he kissed up and down your neck slowly. “I missed you today, work was so long,” his voice dropped down to that husky tone that always made your body shiver. He was so sexy when he was like that. Harry wasn’t afraid of admitting how much he needed you and you kind of loved that. With his arms still wrapped around you and his teeth biting down on you neck, Harry walked you to the bedroom telling you exactly what he thought about doing to you all day.

Zayn: You knew where your spot in the room was. It was right on Zayn’s lap. You had tried sitting elsewhere, but he always dragged you back over. Regardless of how spacious the room was, you were with him. You kind of liked it though, it was nice to think he couldn’t let you go. Tonight was no different, even at home. Zayn sprawled into the arm chair, his feet kicking up onto the foot rest. “I’m so tired, babe,” he said stifling a yawn. His eyes were already drifting closed and you knew it was only minutes before he’d be out. You finished fixing his cup of tea and brought it out to him, your fingers sliding through that black mass of hair. “Drink your tea then we’ll go to bed.” You turned to leave, banking on finishing the laundry when Zayn’s hand caught yours. “Sit with me,” He grinned sleepily up at you and your heart clenched in your chest. As if you could argue with that face. He tugged you into his lap and you curled up into his chest, the top of your head just below his chin. “Perfect,” he said sighing, melting into the cushions. “I needed this all day, I just needed to feel you.” You felt him press feather light kisses to your temple and you smiled. Zayn only ever seemed to be okay when you were around or in his arms. Other than that, he was always scanning the room for you, always worrying. “Just needed to be home, to hold you. Be with you,” he murmured, his breaths evening out. You grabbed a blanket from behind the chair and draped it over you both. You’d both wake up sore and stuff but it was worth it. You closed your eyes feeling so loved, so needed and so, so cherished.

Louis: He had to be touching you at all times. He just had to. It was almost physically impossible for some part of his body to be touching some part of yours. Whether it was holding hands, his arm around your shoulder or even your finger hooking through his belt loop, Louis needed that physical contact with you. It was like a drug, he craved it. His favorite though was when he got to relax with you at the end of a long day, both of you exhausted from work. He’d sit down and open his arms, his tired blue eyes softening at you. “Come here,” he’d say gruffly, sleep lacing his voice. Immediately you curled into his arms, your body relaxing. He draped his arm around your shoulder, keeping your cheek over his chest. “Tell me about your day,” you said snuggling into him. He took a deep breath and started, revealing detail by detail of his day. This was your thing, one promise you always made sure to keep: talking about your days. It was relaxing, stress relieving and honestly you just loved hearing him talk. He loved watching your mouth move, hearing your laugh. He just enjoyed being around you, for that matter. This was his favorite, this was home. He loved running the silky smooth pieces of your hair between his fingers, or pressing kisses to the top of your head or forehead. He loved using his free hand to trace the curve of your cheek, your lips. He loved using that hand to trace your delicate little fingers and tickle the sensitive skin by your wrist. Louis just wanted to worship you, it was evident in everything he did.

Niall: "Bed, bed, bed, bed." Niall said picking you up over his shoulder. You were cramming for midterms and sleep was not an option. "Niall, put me down immediately!" You bellowed pounding on his back as he carried you with ease. "I’ll put you down. In bed." He kicked open the bedroom door and stalked inside, dropping you onto the mattress. "No," he said firmly, his eyes meeting yours when you tried to bolt. You could tell that he meant it. "Fine," he kissed your nose and grabbed one of his shirts out of the closet and slipped it over your head. He crawled up to the head of the bed with you, pulling his shirt off. It never ceased to leave you breathless, Niall shirtless. His skin was so beautiful, perfect porcelain and satin beneath your fingers. "Sleep," he opened his arms and you went willingly. This was Niall’s favorite time of day, just holding you. He rubbed his nose against yours, giving you tiny Eskimo kisses. His hands slid down your back, coming up to run through your hair as he lazily kissed you. Niall loved this. He loved that all he had to do was tilt his head just the slightest bit to press his mouth to yours. He loved feeling your skin, holding you against his body. He loved that he was the one who got to keep you safe, to take care of you. He pulled you closer, your chests flush together, his cheek on your forehead as he hummed something low in his throat. He loved feeling your fingers run down his back and chest, tracing the muscles he had there. He loved you, everything about you. But this, this by far was the thing Niall treasured the most. This was what got him through tour, the distance and the fights. These moments right here where he had his entire world in his arms, it made everything worth it. You were the best cure, the best fix, the best high. You were everything just like he was to you.

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