Preference 21: He accidently touches your boob...

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He accidentally touches your boob...

Harry: You're sitting on the couch in his flat watching movies, there's a bowl of popcorn sitting on the seat next to you. Harry reaches over you to grab a handful and his large hand "accidentally" grazes your boobs. You pretend not to notice, but the smirk on his face is a little hard not to notice, so you just lean over and kiss his dimpled cheek.

Louis: You're playing around in the pool with him and his sisters. You're tanning when he comes over and leans in for a quick kiss, except he quickly pulls away and lifts you into his arms, bridal styles. He goes to drop you in the pool, but when he lets go, his hand noticeably runs along your boobs. You come up from the water with a blush on your face and all he says is, "whoops!" with a big "sorry not sorry" grin on his face.

Liam: You're picking Liam up from the studio, as soon as he sees you he grabs you into a tight hug. At the same time he lets you go, you turn your body a little bit, and his hands run across your chest. Liam's face turns bright red, and he quickly mutters an apology, but you just laugh it off and say, "come on, Liam, it's not like you've never touched them before!"

Zayn: You're lying across his bed waiting for him to get out of his en suit. Once he finally comes out, all done up and ready for the day, he jumps on top of you in bed, and just lays there. All of a sudden, you feel his fingers creeping up your sides as he begins to tickle you. You scream and wiggle to get out of his grasp, but you move a little too much and Zayn grabs a handful of boob very quickly. Everything stops as he keeps his hand on your boob and looks into your eyes, leaning down slowly to kiss you.

Niall: You're in Ireland, visiting his parents for the first time. Niall insists on having you sleep in his room with him for the week, and you obviously can't say no to that. So on the first night the two of you lay down for bed, and after a few hours, you feel Niall shifting around. His arms wind around you one around your waist, and one gently resting on your boob. You feel yourself blush, but have no intention of moving it. In the early morning Niall wakes up in the same position, he quickly removes his hand while muttering swears under his breath. You smile and reach for his hand, placing it gently back where it was, Niall kisses your cheek sweetly and the two of you drift back into a blissful sleep.

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