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(You have a boyfriend)

Harry: It was weird for Harry to see you with a boyfriend. He couldn’t put his finger on why, exactly, but it was just strange. Not that you weren’t beautiful or incapable of getting whoever you wanted. You definitely were. You were the whole package, funny, sexy, smart, caring. He actually didn’t know how you managed to stay single for so long. But now that you were taken, it rubbed Harry the wrong way. He frowned, watching you sit down on your new boyfriends lap. He seemed nice enough, totally interested in you. But Harry just had this feeling, something wasn’t right. Part of him was worried that he was going to lose his best friend with the new guy around. You and Harry were inseparable and now that was jeopardized by the walking steroid you were sitting on. That was mean, Harry shook his head confused by his thoughts. It never mattered before if you were taken or single, so why now? After everything? You’d always been fine when he dated someone. You were supportive and always offering up ideas and advice. It had never been a problem. He watched you press a kiss to your new guy’s lips and something inside him snapped. It made sense now. All the phone calls, the texts. How there just never seemed to be anyone else around but you. He cared. And not just in the sense of a best friend, but more than that. People had been telling him for years that you two should date, you practically were anyway. He always shrugged it off, happy with being just friends. “You might lose that girl someday,” they would always say to him. He stared at you across the room, wrapped in some other guys arms. It seemed like that day had come, he had lost you and he had no one to blame but himself.

Niall: What the hell was with the anger? Why the hell was he clenching his fingers so hard against his palm that the skin broke? Why was he in such a jealous rage over the fact that you had a boyfriend? You deserved to be happy and Niall couldn’t remember the last time he saw you smile like that. It’d been a long time coming and you had finally gotten a good guy. Niall hated to admit that. This guy was actually nice, compared to all the other assholes you dated. So why was he so pissed off? He sat on your bed, watching you swipe mascara over your eye lashes, then smear a soft pink lipstick over your lips. You pursed your lips in the mirror, eyes squinting. He didn’t get it. What’d you need that stuff for anyway? You were already beautiful. He wondered if your new boyfriend had seen you like he had, just waking up from sleep with no make up on your face. Or when you were just in sweats and a t-shirt with your hair up, or when you were dressed to go out, or when you laughed so hard you cried. Had he seen all that? Was he entranced by it? Niall wondered if your new boyfriend thought you were just as beautiful as he did. It was probably impossible, though. Niall wasn’t sure if he’d seen anyone more beautiful than you. And that’s when it hit him. The fury, the rage, that unexplainable ache in his chest. He wanted to be with you. When the hell did that happen, he asked himself. He rubbed at his chest, trying to lessen the ache. “What do you think?” You asked turning from the mirror. Niall ran his eyes down your body, sighing heavily. “Beautiful,” he murmured finally, his blue eyes resting on yours. You grinned, grabbing your purse. He bit his tongue, knowing there was no way he could tell you. You were happy, and that’s all he could want for you. I’m yours, he said sadly to himself, I’m yours. I think I always was and I think I always will be.

Louis: He drummed his fingers on the table top, listening to you drone on and on about your new boyfriend. Quite honestly, he didn’t want to hear about it. He was happy for you sure, but it nagged at him. Something was off, he couldn’t put his finger on it, but something was definitely not right here. “Are you even listening to me?” You asked with an exasperated smile. “Of course,” he said distractedly. You frowned, knowing he was lying. “He wants to meet you, can you come over?” Whatever he was expecting you to say, it sure as hell wasn’t that. Meet him? Meet him!? You had to be out of your mind, had to be. Louis just stared in disbelief. “Please?!” you begged, pouting at him. Damnit, why was he never able to resist that full lower lip of yours? “Fine,” Louis at least figured he could scope the guy out. You were his best friend, he didn’t want you dating some sort of asshole. He was very protective over you, more so now than ever. You hadn’t a boyfriend in ages and Louis forgot what it was like to have to share you. When he got to your house, he was introduced to the new man of the hour. Louis surveyed him quietly, his blue eyes missing nothing. You were attached to his side, waiting for him to open his mouth. Finally, Louis stuck his hand out. That one small act was more difficult than anything Louis had ever done because he knew by doing so, he had just given you away. He didn’t want to admit that to himself, but he was. You were no longer his best girl, you were someone elses now and he hated that. He was sick with jealousy, wanting to trade places with the smug bastard beside him. In that moment Louis knew what he had been avoiding for so long was true. He was falling for you, and he lost his chance to do anything about it. He watched you link your hands with your new boyfriend and bit his lip. He could never say anything, you could never know. Those words would be locked away forever, and the thought was more than he could bear.

Zayn: Zayn had always known this day would come. The day where you’d find yourself a decent man. He was happy for you, in a way. You’d been alone for so long, it was nice to see the smile on your face. He was just irritated that he wasn’t the one putting it there any longer. You were partners in crime, you did everything together. He taught you to drive his motorcycle and paint a decent picture. Now this new guy comes into the picture and Zayn knew in his heart of hearts that he would get thrown into the back seat. There would be no more late night phone calls, confessing your darkest secrets. That was reserved for someone else now, he understood that. It didn’t stop his heart from breaking in his chest though. He’d waited too long, he knew that now. He had always meant to tell you what you meant to him, he could just never find the right time. It had long passed, that was obvious enough. He had fooled himself into thinking that maybe you even felt the same way, deep down inside. That was obviously not true as well. He sighed, looking out his bedroom window. He watched the flashy red car whip into the drive way, the stereo blasting out the open windows. The guy behind the wheel beeped once and Zayn snorted in disgust. What kind of guy wouldn’t go up and knock on the door for a girl? He watched you race out the door, that beautiful smile on your face. you looked up to his window and smiled, wiggling your fingers in a quick hello. He weakly raised his hand, watching you jet off in that flashy red car. He sighed, looking back at the jotted down lyrics to the song he was writing for you. Crumpling it into a ball, he shot it into the trashcan, pretending like it didn’t exist at all.

Liam: "Come over Friday," Liam said to you as you walked through town. He bumped his shoulder into yours, grateful for your company. It was a beautiful October sunday, the leaves bright with crisp new colors. "I can’t," you grinned, running your fingers over a few scarves a vendor had out. "I have a date." Liam tripped over his own feet, stumbling forward. You had a date? Instantly, his stomach rolled over. He felt utterly sick. “A date?” He asked stupidly, unable to get his head around it. “With who?” You smiled, your cheeks turning the most delightful shade of red. Envy, sharp and thick, rushed through his body. “Just this guy I met in one of my classes. We’ve been seeing each other for a while,” you shrugged. You moved forward as if the world hadn’t just shook, as if it’s axis hadn’t just tilted. It had for Liam. A while? Why didn’t you tell him? Didn’t you feel it? Didn’t you feel the earth quake under your very feet? You and Liam had been a pair for as long as he could remember. He had never been friends with you when you had a boyfriend, so he didn’t know quite it would feel like when you got one. Whatever he was expecting, it wasn’t as awful as this. How could you not have told him? He would never let you know, but he was devastated. He fell into step beside you, quietly following your lead. He studied you, the way you moved, your voice, your smile. He had figured he would have as much time as he wanted with you, but that was clearly not the case. He wondered why he cared so much, you had never said you liked him or wanted to date him, so why was his chest caving in? Liam knew because deep down inside him, the very recess and core of his heart, he had hoped that you’d been feeling everything he’d been feeling this whole time. It was the worst sort of reality when he realized that you had not, and would never.

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