Preference 23: You Dont Like His favorite band.

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You Dont Like His favorite band.

Harry:You guys decide to have a day to yourselves, as it is raining outside. ” Lets Have a Dance Party!!” you say playfully and start kissing him. ” Ok Baby.” He turns on his Favorite band The Beatles. ” Harry, You know I love you, but I don’t really like The Beatles..” you say. ” Oh, I’m Sorry Love. Would You care to choose a song?” He says. You were so lucky to have such an understanding boyfriend.

Niall: You guys are cooking dinner in the kitchen together. ” Can You put on some music Nialler?” You say sweetly. ” Anything for you Cupcake.” He replies. He turns on his album from The Script. You Sigh, and try to act like it doesn’t bother you and sway while you cook. You just can’t take it anymore. ” Niall, I don’t like The Script..” You say awkwardly. ” Oh. I’m Sorry Cupcake. How about we meet in the middle?” You Both exchange glances and scream ” Justin Bieber!!” You spend the rest of the night jumping around having fun/

Liam:You guys just finished your Disney movie marathon. ” What Should We do now?” he asks. ” Put On Some Music!” you say all excitedly and kiss him. He turns on One republic. You Sigh. You really don’t like them. You sat down and started texting. ” Did I do something wrong Babe?” He says confused. “No. You Didn’t Do anything, but promise you won’t get upset when I tell you this?” you say. ” I promise.” He says. “I don’t like One Republic, Their music really bothers me.” You say quietly. ” Oh. I’m Sorry !! You should’ve told me that sooner. What Would You Like to listen to?” You smile. ” Adele.” You felt like the luckiest girl ever to have Liam In your Life

Louis:You and Louis were really bored on a hot summer day. You decided to go to the beach, since you only lived a block away. You walked together holding hands and brought your boom box. When You Arrive, He puts in his CD. Your head sinks in the sand as your tanning. Its the Fray. You cannot stand music like that. It just bothers you! “Louis, Can We play some upbeat music?” you ask. ” Of course!” He says happily. You smile and kiss him. ” I’m sorry, its just The Fray isn’t my favorite..” You say. ” I completely Understand Love!! ” He says and chases you into the water. You loved your boyfriend so much.

Zayn:You and Zayn just finished watching The Avengers in the Cinema. ” I had so much fun !! ” He says and kisses your head. You both get into the car and he blasts N Sync. ” Zayn, I Hope this doesn’t offend you, But I don’t like n Sync. Can you please Change the station?” You say politely. ” Of Course. I’m Sorry ! You should Have told me sooner.” he says. You are so lucky to have such an understanding boyfriend. He as never made you happier.

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