Preference 26: He Gets Jealous

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He Gets Jealous

Harry: You’d never been a girly-girl, so most of your friends growing up were guys. One day you were out with Harry, and you saw a familiar figure jogging towards the two of you. As you got a closer look, you realized it was your best friend from elementary school who’d moved away after graduating high school. "[Y/N], is that you?" He asks, happy to see you after such a long time. “Oh, my God, Jake!" You run over to him, hugging him. “How are you?" You ask. “This is my boyfriend, Harry." You say, dragging Harry over to you. Harry just kinda waves at Jake then wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. After talking for a few minutes, Harry starts to pull you away. “Harry, what was that for?" You ask him, annoyed. “I don’t want another guy getting between us." He tells you. “Harry, I love you. Jake was only ever a friend. That’s all he’ll ever be."

Liam: You went out for a run through a local park with Liam one day. Your sister’s boyfriend that you considered your older brother was there with his little sisters. They spot you first and run over to you "[Y/N], [Y/N]! Dylan, look!" They yell to your sister’s boyfriend who walks over. You introduce him to Liam who smiles and nods, but not much else. After talking for a while, Liam starts tugging on your hand, eager to continue the run. Once you continue your run, Liam asks you. “Who’s he?" “That was [Y/S/N]’s boyfriend. They’ve been together for like, four years now. He’s like my older brother. Nothing else. Thinking about him that way is weird for me. Besides, I wouldn’t leave you for him." You tell him, thinking it was cute when he got protective over you.

Louis: It was a cold winter day, so you and Louis decided to go to Starbucks to get a drink. Before you made it up to the counter to order, you could tell he kept looking at you. Louis seems to notice, too. “Babe, what do you want to drink?" He asks you, so you don’t have to talk to the creeper guy behind the counter who’s practically drooling over you.Louis grabs your hand and orders your drinks, “Two tall salted caramel hot chocolate, please." When you get your cup, you see that he’d written his number on the side, along with his name. The two of you quickly rush out of there with your drinks. “Couldn’t he see that you were with me?" He snaps. “Lou, he’s a creep, let it go. I’d never leave you. Especially for him." You reply, going in for a hug.

Zayn: You’d been working at your new job as a waitress for two weeks now, and Zayn decided to stop by. When he got there, he saw you laughing with some guy who wasn’t him. He rushes over to you and asks what going on. You quickly run outside, dragging him with you. “He’s my co-worker." “Yeah, well you looked a little to friendly with him, [Y/N]." You finally realize what’s going on. “Do you seriously think I have something going on with James? Nothing could ever happen between us." “That’s what it looked like. Wait, what?" “Zayn, James is gay. I was asking him for advice." “Now I just feel stupid." He tells you, kissing you. “I really have to get back to work. I’m off in an hour. Can you stick around a bit longer?"

Niall: One day you went out to Nando’s with Niall to get food. After you’d gotten you peri-peri chicken, the two of you decide to go to the beach and eat there. Niall laid a blanket out on the sand and sat down next to you. You see a dog running your way, and you recognize it right away. It was your sister’s ex-boyfriend’s dog. The dog runs over to you and starts licking you while Niall sits there, confused, still eating his chicken. You hear him before you see him. It was Riley, your sister’s ex-boyfriend. He’d always been like a brother to you, so you ran over to him excitedly, grabbing the dogs leash. Niall sat there, unsure of what was going on, so he walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You introduce the two of them, but Niall doesn’t seem too happy to be acquainted with Riley. After a bit of talking, Riley has to leave, but says to Niall, “Make sure you treat her right. She deserves the best." After he leaves, you have to explain to Niall that Riley had always been there for you, even after him and your sister broke up last year.

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