Preference 25: You Have A Bad Nightmare

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You Have A Bad Nightmare.

Zayn: Run. Keep running, just never look back. Your brain kept screaming at you to get away, get as far away as you could, but you couldn't get far enough. It seemed the more you ran, the more tired you got, and the less distance you ran. You couldn't get away from the disasterous thing that was causing you to freak out and run through your neighborhood. You ran down an alleyway, getting trapped at the end. The walls were closed, you couldn't go anywhere else. You put your back against the wall, sliding down it and holding your knees against your chest, trying to drown out the fear. "You can't run anymore, (Y/N)." a voice called your name. Your head snapped up, as you saw a dark figure walking towards you slowly, holding a bag in it's hands. Why were they trying to do this to you? What had you ever done to them to make them want to hurt you? "No, please. PLEASE!" you scream out, as you sit up in your bed, gasping and putting a hand over your chest to calm yourself down. You cover your mouth and try to calm your breathing, as you remember your boyfriend Zayn was still asleep lying next to you. He starts stirring awake next to you, sitting up sleepily as he sits up, looking at you. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" he asks you, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. You shake your head quietly, as you feel your eyes start to tear up. There wasn't anything in the world that could make you feel worse than having a bad dream, and then waking your tired boyfriend up from his sleep with your own foolishness. "I'm fine, Zayn." you whisper back, hardly able to hear your own words. He sighs, as he pulls you in for a hug and places his head on your shoulder from the side. "What was your dream about, boo?" he asks you, already knowing what was wrong with you. You shrug your shoulders, not really wanting to tell Zayn about it, because you yourself didn't want to remember the awful graphics and happenings in your head. But, since you needed the comfort at the moment you decided to oblige, and tell Zayn all about your nightmare. From the cold beginning, to the very scary end. By the end of your tellings, Zayn's holding you tight, kissing your head multiple times. "I won't let anything hurt you, (Y/N). I promise." he whispers into your hair, as you nod and fall back asleep in his arms.

Harry: "Get away from me. Stop it." a little girl screams behind you. You didn't want to be nosey, but you couldn't let her cries be ignored. You turn on your heels, curious as to what was happening, when you see a little girl being chased by a gang of boys around her own age. They were all holding baseball bats and some of them even had sharp objects with them. Were they going to hurt her? You gasp as you start chasing after the boys, trying to help the little girl. They ran her into a playground, trapping her around the merry-go-round. "Stop that!" you yell at the boys, taking the bats and broken bottles from them. They all turn to you, cornering you instead of the girl. As soon as they've got you to where you have no room to even breathe, the next thing you know is they turn into types of different creatures, and the only thing you do is scream, "STOP IT!" before you jolt awake, sitting upright in your bed as you come face to face with your boyfriend Harry, who was hovering over you, holding your wrists to the mattress as he's trying to calm you down. His eyes are wide with worry, as he gently lets go of you, getting off of you in the process. "What's the matter, babe? You were crying, so I started to wake you up. Then you started kicking and screaming. I didn't know what to do!" he tells you as he laces your fingers together, rubbing your hand with his thumb because he knows that's what can help calm you down. You take deep breaths, slowly in and out, trying to get the nerve to tell Harry about your nightmare. It confused you, because normally you didn't have scary dreams like that, so you wondered what would make you dream like that at the moment. "It was nothing. Just a bad dream, that's all." you whisper. Harry shakes his head, already knowing that you were lying. You groan, as you confide in your boyfriend and tell him every detail about your dream. He sighs, pulling you close and rubbing your arms for comfort. "It's okay, (Y/N). I won't let anything get to you." he says, lulling you to sleep as he plays with your hair.

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