Preference 19: You run out of tampons

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You run out of tampons   

Liam: Liam is very mature, when it comes to buying tampons for you. He doesn’t like to, but he’s knows that you really need them.

Niall: You never ask Niall to get tampons for you. It’s not that you don’t trust him, but there’s way to many different kinds and you know Niall will get confused. Also, you don’t have time for his constant giggling you would hear.

Harry: Harry tries to be mature about buying them. But once he gets to the cash register and actually has to buy them, he completely loses it. He starts stuttering and laughing randomly.

Zayn: Zayn is perfectly fine with buying. Growing up with only sisters, has taught him many things. But when the guy at the cash register gives him a strange look, he is quick to say it’s for his girlfriend.

Louis: Louis dreads the idea of being caught, buying tampons. He normally pays a random person, to buy them for him.

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