the book you introduce him to

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the book you introduce him to


Harry was complaining that he felt like reading a good book, so you offered to lend him your copy of ‘The Hunger Games’. After overcoming his ‘its a girl book’ impression, he borrowed the book. After a week, Harry couldn’t stop talking about it. He begged you borrow Catching Fire, and you both talked about the books non stop for months.


You decided, out of boredom, you were going to reread Perks Of Being A Wallflower over a summer. Louis noticed you starting to read it, and asked if you would read it to him. You thought it was adorable, so you and Louis would read a chapter or two every night before going to sleep. Louis started skipping out on parties and events so you two could read. He would come down with ‘the flu’ so you two could spend the night reading the book. You both laughed together, cried together and the book became very special to you both.


Liam was going away on tour, and you offered to let him borrow some books from you before he went. He came over and picked out the first Harry Potter book, figuring he’d take it just in case. After a couple nights, Liam called you and asked you if you could UPS the rest of your books to him. You suggested he just buy them, and he called you every night gushing about new events in the book. It made you laugh, and got you into reading the book again (for the 900th time).


You were shocked to find out Zayn had never read any of the Twilight books. You were sue he was the only person on the planet who had never read the books, so you forced him to read the first book just so he could say he had. Zayn ended up falling in love with the book. He thought it was a cool mix between danger and love. He kept making sure you knew he was ‘Team Edward’, and made you have full blown discussions about every big event in the book.


Niall was looking through the boxes of stuff you were bringing to his flat the day you were moving in, and found Looking For Alaska. He decided he wanted to give it a try, and started reading it. He couldn’t put it down, bringing it to the studio, to award shows and interviews. He loved the book, and you loved being able to relive the story through him.

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