Preference 29: "Stay....

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Harry: "No, baby, stay. The bed will be cold without you," Harry whines in his raspy morning voice.

"I have to go to school, Harry, I can’t just not go," You reply, shaking the sheets of your feet.

"Could you, please, just phone in sick? Please, it’s my day off. Please,"

You sigh and give in, rolling back under the duvet, “You’re lucky I love you, or you would be spending the day alone,"

He just chuckles and wraps his arms around your waist pulling you to him with his head on your shoulder; whispering I love you and humming . Slowly, you drift back to sleep; dreams filled with curly hair and green eyes.

Louis: "Can you please stay? Do you have to go visit your parents?" Louis complains.

"Louis I haven’t seen them in months I really want to see them," You say, sighing,” I miss them,"

"I know, babe. I feel like I made you move out here with me," he pouts.

"Louis it was my choice to come with you, it’s not your fault. And you know you can always come with meeee,"

"Do you think management would let me?"


And with that Louis calls management, and they agree to let him go.

Liam: "Stay… stay… stay," You repeat over and over again to your dog, Rosie, before going to answer the door. You pull the door open to reveal a smiling Liam.

"Liam!" you say, excitedly.

"Hi, babe," He greets, going in for a hug.

Just as you pull apart from the hug, your big dog comes running over to Liam. Standing on her hind legs, she licks Liam’s cheek over and over again.

"Rosie! I told you to stay, no!" you pull her off Liam, with her panting and Liam laughing.

"(YN) its ok, she’s just saying hi,"

You and Liam both laugh, while moving over to the couch to start a movie with Rosie trailing behind.

Niall: "Stay…” You hear a small voice say. You tear your eyes away from the book you were reading to look at Niall snuggled up against your stomach, his arms around your waist. You run your fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp. He stirs a bit, but stays asleep.

"No, baby, stay," You hear again, and hear Niall’s breathing get heavier and feel wetness seep into your shirt. You look at him again and see him crying telling you to stay over and over again.

You start shaking his shoulder, “Niall, wake up. Baby, wake up,"

He flutters his eyes open and buries his head into your tummy, while his breathing returns to normal.

"Hey it’s ok Niall," You say and he nods his head, while telling you about his dream, where you were leaving him. “You know I would never leave you, right? You’re stuck with me,"

He laughs a bit and drifts off to sleep, with happy dreams filled with girls just like you.

Zayn: "I wish you could stay," You whisper, against Zayn’s neck.

"Me too," He sighs, “but maybe you can come visit me for a few weeks,"

You nod your head, trying to keep in the tears.

"I’ll miss you so much. I’ll try to call or Skype everyday," He suggests.

"I’ll miss you, too, babe,"

"Zayn, it’s time to go," Paul says quietly.

Zayn just nods his head, and pulls back from your embrace to gently press his lips to yours.

"I love you so so much, (YN). See you soon," Zayn whispers against your lips.

"I love you more, Zayn. See you," You whisper back before kissing his lips one more time.

He drops his arms from your waist, while you release his neck. He starts walking with Paul, turning a round to wave goodbye and blow you a kiss. You giggle and blow him a kiss too before he boards the plane.

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