you exercise together

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you exercise together

Harry: “Why would you think I would enjoy ‘couples hot yoga’” Harry asked as you both walked in the room. There were other couples, with women decked out in yoga wear and men who looked a lot like Harry; unenthused. “Just, try it? I didn’t want to come alone” you said, rolling out your yoga mat. Harry followed suit and shared a look with the man setting up in front of him. “Alright ladies and lads, please start in the sphinx position” the woman said, and you naturally posed the way she said. Harry watched you as you took form and mimicked you. “Okay, downward dog” the woman said, and you took position. Harry did too, but you could hear him giggling. “Harry” you whispered sternly, and he nodded at you. The yoga instructor called out to try the Cobra pose. Harry dropped and the man in front of him laughed. “I am going to have to ask you two to leave” the instructor said sternly, and Harry pointed at himself. You glared as Harry grabbed his mat and walked out with the man in front of him following closely behind. When the class ended, the woman in front of you turned. “Men” she said, shaking her head. “No kidding, worse than children” you laughed. “My names Mackenzie, nice to meet you” the woman said, sticking her hand out. “Y/N, nice to meet you” you said as you both went through the studio doors. Harry and the man were sitting on the bench just outside the studio. “Really?” you asked, taking Harry’s hand. “See you later Steve!” he called and you turned to wave. “We’re going to go out for a beer Friday” Harry announced. “Hmm, I think he’s a bad influence” you smirked. “Yoga’s a bad influence on us” Harry said, and you smiled and promised to not make him come back.

Liam: You bounced down the stairs in your new runners, feeling ready to go. You were going to start going on runs with Liam whenever you guys could. Life on tour had been awful for your health, and you felt groggy all the time. Now that you were home, you wanted to start jogging with Liam to try and kick your health back in. Liam looked up and smiled. “Ready?” he asked, playing with his watch. “Yep, let’s go” you said, as Liam walked out the door. You both started jogging down the road in front of your house and you were feeling great. All of a sudden, you heard a girl’s scream. “It’s Liam and Y/N!” another voice called, and you turned to Liam. “Shoot” he whispered, picking up the pace. You ran faster trying to keep up, and soon you were both sprinting from the group of paparazzi and fans. You both raced around the corner of a building and darted down the alley way. You raced around the next block and started dashing for home. You made it and shut the door tight behind you. “How long?” you asked, breathing heavily. “We ran for twenty minutes” Liam said, sliding down the wall and resting his head on his knees. “That was great” you said, leaning against a wall, exhausted. ‘Running from paparazzi’ sort of became your and Liams’ new work out plan, and it really pushed you guys hard.

Zayn: Yours and Zayn’s New Year’s Resolution was to get fit. You were both sick of not feeling healthy. So, to start off, you and Zayn joined a spinning class. You loved riding your bike, but Zayn was less than thrilled with the idea. “I just don’t think it’s going to go well. I don’t think I will be good at it” Zayn said, and you shook your head. “We’ll be great” you said as you pushed the door open to the side room. There were about a dozen stationary bikes in the room, and you and Zayn picked two at the back of the room. The class started and you felt it early. Your legs were burning and you felt exhausted. “This is fun” Zayn gasped as he pedaled. “I’m going to die” you said, as you struggled to keep up. “Sit!” the man said, and you sat back. “Just kidding, get your lazy butt up!” the man shouted, and you glared at him. You felt like you had an army of people who understood as half the class groaned back up. The class ended, and Zayn had to hold your hand and walk you out of the room. “Child birth can not be worse than this” you said as you got in the car. “Tomorrow will be” Zayn said cheerily. “You’re on your own, bike boy” you said. When you got home, you and Zayn took a hot bath together to try and keep from the next day hurting too bad.

Niall: “Tennis, huh? Why tennis?” Niall asked as you both walked out on the court. You and Niall were trying to do exercise activities on dates to make getting fit more fun. “I just thought it would be fun, plus I can probably beat you” you said, and Niall narrowed his eyes at you. “Not likely. Get over there” Niall said, tapping your butt with his racket. You ran over to the other side of the court, and Niall took a tennis ball from the bag. “Ready?” he asked, and you nodded. He threw the ball up and hit it and you ran to catch it. You whacked the ball back to him. Niall returned the ball and you chased it down. You barely hit it but it soared back too fast for Niall to get it. “Woah, didn’t know I was playing against Venus Williams” Niall said, and you laughed as you strutted to the middle of the court. You and Niall played for a good two hours, having some pretty good returns. At the end of it, you were exhausted. You and Niall met at the net. “Good job babe, I think we found a winner” he said. “Yeah, me” you smiled, and Niall shook his head. He gave you a quick peck on the cheek before you both went to change.

Louis: “Alright boys, this is my girlfriend Y/N. She’s going to play a little with us” Louis said, and you waved. “Hi Y/N” the chorus of boys said, before they went off to kick the ball around. “I’m nervous” you said, and Louis kicked you the ball. “You’ll be fine” he said, as you kicked it back. You ran a few drills with the team and then they all gathered in the middle of the field. “Okay, split into teams let’s play a game” one of the guys said, and you nervously turned to Louis. Louis had tried to ‘train’ you in soccer, but you still weren’t great. “Y/N has to be on my team” Louis said, and you smiled. Everyone took their sides and you played beside Louis. The game started and you just listened for Louis to tell you where to be. Near the end of the scrimmage, Louis pointed you to go by the net. You stood there and Louis passed it to you. As the ball came in, you wound up and kicked. You were pretty sure the guy in net was paid off, because he moved really slow to save the ball. You got a point, and Louis raced towards you and scooped you up. “Amazing! Good job!” he said, and the rest of the team clapped. “I know you set that up” you said excitedly, and Louis laughed as he gave you a kiss on the forehead.

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