the book you read your children

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the book you read your children


You and Zayn liked reading ‘Oh, The Places You’ll Go’ by Dr. Seuss to your daughters. The story had a great message about how Haven and Moxie could become anything they wanted to be with the right amount of determination. It became a family classic, and the girls both got a copy at their high school graduation.


When it came to bedtime stories you and Harry liked to read to Aspen, Trent and Grayden, you liked to read ‘Love You Forever’. The story was about the unconditional love between a mother and her children, something you could completely relate too. As the kids got older, they all semi jokingly promised to crawl into your room when you were old and grey and rock you to sleep.


As parents, you and Liam valued watching your kids grow up into adults you could be proud of. ‘The Very Hungry Catepilar’ was all about the path to growing up and how it can be difficult but always very worth it. You and Liam loved reading the story to your kids while they grew up.


You and Louis were both outgoing, imaginative and free spirited people, and those were traits you wanted to teach your kids. You felt no book taught that better than ‘Where The Wild Things Are’. You hoped reading this story to Shane, Noah and Kingsley would keep their minds young like yours and Louis’s were.


You and Niall both agreed you never wanted to raise naive, sheltered kids. You started this with reading your kids ‘The Lorax’. What seemed to be a crazy kids book with weird characters actually had a deeper set meaning about taking care of the world around you, and it was a lesson you wanted Rory and Brenna to learn at a young age.

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