Preference 5: Something that you do, that he finds adorable;

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 Something that you do, that he finds adorable;

Harry: He loves it when you’re concentrating really hard, and then you bite your lip. You don’t even realize that you do it, until he speaks up. "(y/n) you’re biting your lip," he says. You snap out of your daze. "…sorry," you mumble. “No, no," Harry stops you. “It’s kind of cute."

Liam:It killed you living so far away from your mother; she was your rock. When you and your boyfriend Liam went to visit your parents in America, Liam suggested you make a skype… and so you did. You Skyped her every single day, and Liam would normally say hello; but after your Skype session, he wrapped his arms around your waist. “I love how close you are to your mother," he whispers into your ear. "…and I love you, (y/n); everything you do is adorable."

Louis:One of the many things that you and your boyfriend, Louis have in common is your taste in fashion. You two spend every Saturday at the mall, or different shops. Louis being the sassy one he is, would tsk at people with bad fashion sense. Their was a particular lady you spotted sorting through a rack of clothes; and this women had bad clothes on her body. You walk up to her, “Excuse me ma’am," you say; tapping her shoulder. “But I think that this would look really cute on you." You hand her a shirt and then walk away, back to Louis. He smiles at you and says, “You’re so adorable when you’re being kind to the unfashionable."

Niall:"(y/n)," Niall murmurs in shock. You pull away the piece of garlic bread from your mouth, and swallow fast. “Yes?" you ask him. “May I help you?" Niall laughs and wipes some sauce away from your mouth. “No… but may I have a piece of bread before you eat it all?" You snarl, “Go ahead… but choose that smaller piece." He goes and grabs the piece of bread that you told him to, and he shakes his head. You hear him murmur something along the lines of, “you’re so adorable when you eat."

Zayn:Your boyfriend, Zayn had finally returned home from tour, and since it was Saturday, you decided that you two would go on a walk. You pass by several stores, oohing and awhhing at the pretty diamonds and outfits in the windows. You and Zayn control your stroll, and then you spot; out of the corner of your eye, a golden retriever puppy in a window. “Zayn!" you squeal, ushering him over. You play with the puppy through the window, moving your fingers all over the glass. “How did I get so lucky… I don’t deserve someone as adorable as you, (y/n)"

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