Chapter Twenty Four

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"People don't have happily ever afters. People barely have ever afters"
-Grey's Anatomy


"It's been days! Why haven't we found her yet?" I gripped the edges of my desk, feeling the wood splinter.

"We're doing everything we can Alpha. Patrols are going around the pack territory nonstop and the search parties you organized are working night and day." Ellis spoke calmly, for my benefit, I'm sure.

I should calm down. I knew that. But my mind was in turmoil. My wolf was constantly snarling and scratching to be let out. Apparently my efforts to find Alice weren't enough. He wanted to take control, to go after her himself. If she wasn't found soon I feared that I would let him.

I let it a frustrated growl. "Send out more patrols."

"We're running out of men, if we send out any more we won't have any warriors left in case the hunters attack." Ellis responded a bit hesitantly.

"Damn it Ellis!" My arm swung with fury, landing a hard fist through a layer of drywall. "I want her found! Now!" I pulled my fist out of the wall, panting heavily. I looked at the hole in the wall, then to the man who had been like a father to me. He looked disappointed in a way. "I'm sorry Ellis. I'm going insane without her."

"It's alright. The pack understands that you need her Penn. No one could imagine what it's like to have your mate stolen from you. The whole pack is behind you in your search. But you still have to think rationally right now. Besides, it's New Years Eve, Penn. Breathe, be with your pack, and know that we will find her." Ellis put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"We will maintain the current patrols and keep the rest of our warriors prepared in case there is another attack." I slumped into my office chair, dropping my head into my hands. There was nothing I could do but wait.

A sudden howl had my head snapping up. Eli burst through my office door, breathing hard, covered in a sheet of sweat.

"Alpha, come fast." The boy could barely talk he must have run all the way here.

"What is it Elijah?"

"It's Alice."


My heart was pounding as I raced through the forest, paws pounding the snow covered ground. My wolf had full control as he raced us forward, my warriors at my sides, leading me towards my Alice.

My ears picked up the sluggish rhythm of a failing heartbeat. The smell of cherry blossoms and mint mixed with the icy air. I skid to a stop.

There she was, laying in a bed of snow. Her skin was a sickly white and her lips were an unhealthy shade of blue. The smell of her blood was present on the snow and smoke hung thick in the air. I could just barely hear the cracking of burning tree limbs in the distance. I suppose it was a forest fire, but my mind was focused on other things.

My wolf whimpered. He hated to see our mate like this. As did I. She looked so small right now.

Eli inched his way towards my Alice, normally I would have growled, but I understood his intentions. He lifted Alice gently and lay her down on my back, throwing a blanket over her, one that someone had thankfully thought to bring along.

As soon as she was securely on my back I took off running. The wind rushed through my fur. I could feel Alice jostle slightly on my back. The cold air held a trace of smoke and it stung my eyes. I knew that I had never run so fast in my life. But this was life or death, and I refused to let my Alice die.

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