Chapter Eighteen

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"You should never know how easy you are to need"


"And how many are injured at the moment?" I questioned the pack doctor as we walked through the infirmary.
"Thirty six warriors and three pack members were injured in the last attack." My pack doctor Alex informed me.

I sighed and pinched my eyes shut. "That watch group we employed isn't working as well as I hoped it would. Alright. Keep me updated on everyone's treatments."
"Will do Alpha."
"Thank you Alex," I walked out of the infirmary, my head clouded by stress.

These attacks were beginning to get worse. For several weeks now hunters have been ambushing my pack and attacking my people. It was infuriating, especially when people kept getting hurt. I felt that I was failing my pack as an alpha.

But I've had a nice distraction from the stress. My Alice. I smiled just thinking about her and felt my wolf stir.

Thanksgiving was over two weeks ago. We've spent a lot of time together since. Whenever she isn't in school and I'm not dealing with business or the pack.

I loved spending time with her. And I took every opportunity I could to kiss her. She blushed every time and it only made me want to kiss her more. My wolf had been bothering me nonstop. He has yet to meet his mate. And he hates me for keeping her from him. But I know he already loves Alice. And so do I.

I'm falling in love much faster than I ever thought I would. And I don't regret a minute of it.

I stopped in front of my house, unaware that I had even been walking.

This day- this week has been exhausting. And there's only one person I can think of who could make it better. My Alice.

I didn't spare a second before I was in my car and speeding off to her house, going far over the allowed speed limit. I didn't care. I could get there faster in my wolf form. But I can't do that. I still haven't shifted since I met Alice. I couldn't control my wolf, and I was afraid of how he would react to Alice.

He growled in my mind to communicate to me that he wouldn't hurt her. I knew he wouldn't. He loves her. As do I. But I have no way of knowing how my Alice will react to him. I turn into a bloody massive wolf for Christ's sake.  She will be terrified. And I don't want my mate to fear me. It would kill me.

I pulled up in front of her house, hearing soft music coming from inside. She was home.

I made my way out of the car and up to her door to ring the bell. I only had to wait a minute before the door is pulled open and she stands right in front of me. She's perfect. My Alice.

"Hi," she greets, slightly breathless, cheeks flushed. She is magnificent.
"Hello Alice." My eyes scan down her body and I smile at her clothes. She was wearing red pajama shorts with little white hearts on them along an oversized t-shirt.

My t-shirt. The black shirt that I had given to her on Thanksgiving. My heart swelled seeing her in my clothes.

"Could I come in?"
"Oh! Yeah yeah, come in, sorry," she blushed deliciously and I wanted nothing more than to kiss her right then.

"So what are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here, I just wasn't expecting it," she rambled on while I just admired her.
"Let's watch a movie, pick your favorite sweetheart. I'll get the tortilla chips."
Alice smiled sheepishly up at me, "you know me well."

I plopped down on the couch, chips on the coffee table. A title screen was pulled up on the tv, Paris When It Sizzles. Alice's favorite.

She sunk down on the couch, a full cushion length away from me. I didn't like it. The movie has played for at least half an hour so far, and I haven't looked at the tv once.

"I'd say take a picture, but knowing you, you'd actually do it," the corner of her lips were turned up. I was happy that she was happy. And I was even more happy that I was the one to make her happy.

I didn't say anything. I didn't have to. The silence between was comfortable. She was still sitting far away however. I wanted her closer.

She gasped when my hands grabbed her bare legs and pulled her close. I pulled her into my lap, and wrapped my arms securely around her. I could see her reddening cheeks, it was adorable how she tried to hide it behind her hair.

But I didn't want her to hide from me. Not now, not ever. Gently, I tucked the hair behind her ear and gripped her chin, making her face me. Her eyes remained on my nose, refusing to meet mine. I placed my hand on her waist.

She drew in a sharp breath. Her eyes snapped up to mine and I felt like I was falling in love with her once again. I couldn't help myself right then.

My lips pressed to hers, slow at first. But the second her hands found my hair all my self control flew out the window. Alice moved so she straddled my lap and I pulled her body flush against me. I still wanted her closer.

But I didn't want to push Alice. There were certain things we simply could not do just yet. And I respected that.

Her slim arms wound around my neck, pulling me closer, trapping me in her embrace. Her lips parted to allow my tongue to slip into her mouth. Alice shifted slightly in my lap, eliciting a growl from me.

She pulled her lips away from mine. "What was that?" The beautiful look of confusion on her face made me want to kiss her again.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I just can't control myself around you," I laid my forever to hers and just breathed in her scent.
"I'm not complaining," Alice hesitated, "it was actually incredibly hot." Her cheeks were bright red and I leaned in to kiss both of them briefly before pulling her close to me again.

Alice buried her face in my neck and I lay my chin on her head. The atmosphere was calm, safe. It was everything I could have ever asked for and more.

I pressed a gentle kiss to her hair making her hum in appreciation. "Sweetheart?"
"Yes Penn?"
"Could I ask somethings of you?"
"These past two weeks have been the best of my life. And it's all because of you." I felt her smile into my skin.
"Me too," she whispered.
"In truth, I don't want this to end. I can't let go of you Alice, you've become my world. I know this may be moving quickly. And I know that you've been hurt before. But please know that I would never hurt you. I would never even dream of it." I took a deep breath. Alice was stiff in my arms.
"Alice, sweetheart. If you will have me, I will be the best boyfriend any man could be."

Her head snapped up and she looked me straight in the eye. "Are you asking me what I think you're asking me Penn?" Her voice was quiet but steady.

"Alice, I'm asking if you will be my girlfriend." She said nothing. She didn't move. I don't think she was even breathing. "Sweetheart say something, please," she remained silent.

I could see the gears grinding in her head. The little crease between her eyebrows showed that she was thinking hard.

The silence was torturous.

Finally, after what seemed like hours to me, she glanced up into my eyes. There were so many emotions reflected in hers. Apprehension, confusion, and a small spark of something that looked a bit like love.

Her small hands squeezed my shoulders, spreading a comforting warmth over my skin.


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