Chapter Twelve

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"I bet you kiss your knuckles right before they touch my cheek"


Ten days.

It's been ten days since Alice fled my home and my arms while I slept. I was going insane. My wolf was growing more impatient by the millisecond. He wants his mate. And he hates me for not going after her. But what could I do? I'm so unsure of how to proceed with her. I don't want to scare her off. I'm supposed to be a leader and yet I don't even know how to handle this.

"Alpha?" A knock sounded on my office door.
"Come in."
"Sorry for disrupting, Alpha. Here are the papers you asked for. Twelve warriors were injured in the last attack. No casualties so far." Ellis set the papers down on my desk before sitting in one of the chairs across from me. I looked up at him expectantly.

"Thank you Ellis. These hunter attacks are getting worse. I think we'll need to employ an around the clock watch. We need a way of detecting these attacks early on. I don't want anyone else getting hurt." I pinched the bridge of my nose, sighing in frustration. Ellis continued to sit across from me.

"What is it Ellis?" I asked expectantly. My temper has been very short these past couple of weeks.
"You haven't been sleeping Alpha." He wasn't wrong. I get three or four hours a night, on a good day.

"That is none of your concern." I turn my attention back to the papers on my desk.
"I'm not saying this as your Beta. I'm saying this as your friend. Julian Penn Castel, you are my Alpha, but you have not lived as long as I have. And one thing that I know from experience is that you need her. I know you do. I also know that you haven't shifted since you first found her and that it's bound to be getting to you."

He wasn't wrong. My wolf had been snarling at me and thrashing around inside my mind, wanting to be let out. It has cost me many headaches, and the fury of my wolf. Who is still livid with me for not allowing him to meet his mate. He's refusing to speak to me at the moment.

"I know, Ellis. And you're crazy to think that it doesn't kill me to be away from her. I want nothing more than to have my mate at my side. I just don't know what to do." My head dropped down into my hands.

Ellis lay a comforting hand on my back. "You'll have her. You just have to proceed slowly." My wolf growled at his words. He wanted his mate now, something I was depriving him of.

"How do I start?" I asked, sounding completely defeated. It was not a good feeling for an Alpha. Or anyone for that matter.

"Talk to her," he said, before he walked out of my office, leaving me to my thoughts.



The light flickered on, sending a buzz through the room.
He was coming.

Footsteps pounded down the stairs and worn brown boots came to rest in front of my face. My cheek was pressed into the cold concrete, my only clothing was an oversized T-shirt and a pair of underwear. He had taken all my other things away.

He knelt down, grimy fingers brushed over my face. With a sudden jerk he pulled my head back by the hair, exposing my neck.

A filthy smirk sat on his face as he put his mouth to my neck, biting and sucking harshly. An unpleasant shiver crawled down my spine, I think he mistook it for pleasure.

"Hhm. Excited to see me baby?" His mouth continued to assault my neck, moving down to my chest. I was too weak to fight.

I didn't know how long I had been trapped there. I did know that he rarely fed me. And when he did it would be nothing more than some stale bread and a plastic bottle of water, the cap already open. I knew that I shouldn't drink it, but the thirst was killing me.

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