My iPod

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Bought a new one a few weeks ago especially for Paris because music stops me from feekig travel sick. We leave for Paris on Friday. It still a turning on today and we have to go out to West Quay Shopping Centre in Southampton (which is like an hour away) at some point befre Friday. I also have to have my art homework done by Thursday, go to art club to do it tomorrow, make a music video for ICT afterschool on Tuesday, go to the leavers' party at guides on Wednesday (which I can't miss because I'll probably never see those people again) and do the usual last minute packing on Thursday night. I also need to leave time when I do get the iPod fixed to add the *counts* 8 new albums I've bought to my iTunes library and sync them to my iPod...

I'm getting really stressed at the moment and my dad's talking really loudly and he's got the volume on the TV really high and he gets pissy with me if i ask him to turn it down/shut up and I can't go anywhere else in my house because my room's been taken over by my auntie and if autocorrect corrects one more word wrong om

Nope, I'm done.

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