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I just don't really see the point in it to be honest. Like, why?

I'm against animal cruelty and killing things and stuff like that but not eating a slice of chicken isn't going to stop any more chickens dying. You're not making any difference to the world, so I just don't get it. If there is a packet of ham in Tesco, that animal is already dead, I can't change that. If it tastes good, I will eat it.

Me choosing to order a rice box instead of popcorn chicken at KFC is not going to make a difference to their policies. And no matter how many people decide to be vegetarian, there are still going to be more people who eat meat, so the animals will still die.

I'm the kind of person who literally hides spiders (not all types, I hate the fat ones) from the rest of my family so they don't die, but if I go vegetarian I'm not going to prevent anything, so I'm not going vegetarian.


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