30 Day Reading Challenge

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I'm going to manipulate this into a Wattpad challenge at some point, but I'll just leave it how it is for now.

1. The Best Book You've Read This Year
The only book I've read this year is Paper Towns

2. A Book That You've Read More Than 3 Times
Paper Towns, of course.

3. Your Favourite Series
The Doomspell Trilogy by Cliff Mcnish
I first read them in year 4 and I still love them so much.

4. Favourite Book Of Your Favourite Series
The Wizard's Promise

5. A Book That Makes You Happy
Ummm... yeah well John Green is my favourite author, so...

6. A Book That Makes You Sad
It's been a year and I still get those really sudden Looking For Alaska feels.

7. Most Underrated Book
No one seems to even know who Miranda Hart is at the moment and Is It Just Me? is so funny.

8. Most Overrated Book
I actually couldn't bring myself to read just chapter one of TFIOS. I love every other John Green book though so it's probably just that I saw the movie first and it ruined it for me. But yeah, I'm actually saying The Fault In Our Stars is overrated.

*whispers* I was going to say Harry Potter but I was scared I would be murdered.

9. A Book You Thought You'd Hate But Ended Up Loving
I don't really know. Girl Online?

10. Favourite Classic Book
I haven't read any. It's not that I don't want to, I've just never had the opportunity because of hand-me-down books.

11. A Book You Hated
I tried to like Username: Evie. I really did.

12. A Book You Used To Like But (pretend that you) Don't Anymore
I think everyone can answer this with Rainbow Magic.

13. Favourite Author
I don't feel the need to answer this anymore.

14. Book From Your Favourite Author

15. Favourite Male Character
What was the gay friend in Girl Online called? Elliot? He was pretty fabulous. Although I do like Radar in Paper Towns quite a lot. And Ben. And Q. And Ja- I'M JOKING. And then there's also the Asian fox guy from Looking For Alaska. I can't remember his name but he was a good character. And Chip was cool too.

I can't decide basically. Too many fictional crushes.

16. Favourite Female Character
Alaska. That is all.

17. Favourite Quote
*looks through Paper Towns to find profound bullshit*

 Favourite Quote*looks through Paper Towns to find profound bullshit*

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"Maybe all the strings inside him broke" (this is a lot better when you know that it's a nine year old girl saying it and she's talking about a man who committed suicide). There's also Quentin babbling for ages in the final few pages that I really like.

18. First 'Chapter Book' You Remember Reading
Ruby the Red Fairy (yes this does count)

19. Favourite Book Turned Into A Movie
In terms of how good the movie was, I'm going to go with the Divergent series. Even though the films were barely even close to the books, they were still good films.

20. Book That Makes You Laugh Out Loud
Is It Just Me? by Miranda Hart

21. Favourite Book From Your Childhood
I am a childhood.

22. Book You Are Currently Reading
None. I finished Paper Towns again today.

23. Guilty Pleasure
Don't have one with books. I mean, if I was including Wattpad, this would be a completely different story, but in this challenge I have nothing to say.

24. A Book You Wish More People Would Read
I like having books as something that not many people around me have read. It makes it feel more mine.

25. Favourite Book You Read In School
Wolf Brother. We read it in Year 6 and it was so good.

26. A Book That Changed Your Opinion About Something
Yeah, believe me, once I have an opinion on something, I'm the only thing that can change it.

27. Most Surprising Plot Twist/Ending
I don't know I'm good at predicting things (I mean I guess the most bullshit sounding possibility and it turns out to be right).

28. Favourite Title
Looking For Alaska because it's kind of clever. You expect it to be that they are looking for her physically, whereas it's more looking for how she thought and who she really was.

29. A Book You Liked But Everyone Hated
If literally everyone hates it, I'm not going to read it.

30. Favourite Book


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