30 Questions

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I may have stolen this from Shadowspider too. I had permission this time.

1. Where Were You Three Hours Ago?
I was at school walking to Lapland to see if they could fix my iPad. Lapland is just where we take our iPads if there's something wrong with them. I think that it's an amazing name, especially considering teachers made it up.

2. Confession
I'm meant to be doing my science homework for tomorrow at the moment.

3. Bad Habits
I may or may not eat ice. Apparently it's a family thing and my auntie used to do it and my cousin does it. We're weird.

4. Favourite Colour
Mint green or lavender. I can't decide which.

5. Toothbrush Colour?
Turquoise, teal and white

6. Can You Drive?

7. Birthday
25th of October 2002

8. Addiction
The uh...

The ice thing.

And Wattpad.

And Tumblr.

And YouTube.

And YouTubers.

And I'll stop now.

9. 3 Pet Peeves
You really want me to go through this again?

10. Last Person You Hugged
I think it was my sister. Her or my friend Ruby.

11. Zodiac Sign

12. Something You Miss
Matt Smith being the Doctor, and the Ponds. I'm not saying I don't like Clara and Peter Capaldi. Although Clara's dead now. Actually, no. I miss the times when Steven Moffat was nice and had companions (and Doctors actually) come back for an episode or two after they left.

13. Song Stuck In Your Head
The Script - Millionaires

14. Eye Colour
I honestly never have any idea how to answer this question. My eyes are so weird. They're kind of dark bluey grey around the outside, and then they're just normal green, and then they're a kind of yellowy limey colour on the inside.

15. What Part of the World Do You Live In?

16. Favourite Quote
I don't know. I'll just put a random quote from the Script again.

"Everybody's running from something but we don't know when it's coming so we just keep running and running" -The Script, Rusty Halo

17. Somewhere You Would Like to Visit

18. Do You Like Your Name?
Yes, but I don't like it when people just assume they can call me Tilly. My full name flows well, but I'm not putting my full name on here.

19. Favourite Season
Autumn. Mine and all I my friends birthdays seem to be in Autumn (except for a few random Springs and Summers) and I like the colours and stuff.

20. What Kind of Phone Do You Have?
Samsung Galaxy Core Prime.

21. Something You're Excited For
Correcting the grammar of whoever made this.
Okay but the thing I'm actually excited about is the school trip to Paris I'm going on in July. We may be going the weekend of the Euro 2016 Finals, but hopefully that doesn't ruin anything.

22. How Long Does It Take You to Get Ready
About 50 minutes from wake up to leaving the house. Bearing in mind this includes not wanting to leave my bed, eating, brushing my teeth, brushing my hair, lying on my bed listening to music for nearly ten minutes when I'm meant to be getting changed, getting changed into my 6 piece over complicated uniform, standing in the living room for a bit waiting for my mum and sister, and then actually leaving.

23. Biggest Fear
Being alone. I don't mean something like being stranded on a desert island, I mean walking around school abd things like that by myself. I feel the most alone when I'm surrounded by others, and it terrifies me.

24. Favourite Band
Either Fall Out Boy or One Direction.

25. Favourite Animal
Penguins or pandas or llamas.

26. Favourite Person

27. One Food You Hate
Tomatoes, caramel and mushrooms. I'm a really picky water, but these are the main ones.

28. Favourite Movies
I don't know. I don't watch many actually good movies except the obvious series and stuff.

29. Do You Get Grossed Out Easily?
Not really, but I do get panic attacks sometimes when I see my own blood. It's not like "www blood I don't like it ewewewewewew". It's more "hey, I just scratched myse-ohhh no"

30. Relationship Status
Too busy fangirling.

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