Stuff About Me

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Here's some basic facts about me that you don't really need to know.

My name is Matilda.

I'm 13 years old.

I live on the South Coast of England (in the New Forest).

I have nice hair, which is the only thing I really like about my appearance. The colour is debatable and I had a very long discussion about what you could call it in a French lesson with 4 other people once. Let's just say it's somewhere in between brown and blonde and it gets more blonde at the bottom. It's really long at the moment but my mum is making me have 3-4 inches taken off it next week and I don't want to.

I'm eating chocolate cake in Caffè Nero right now. Well I've finished it but I'm in Caffè Nero right now waiting for the other people to finish their drinks.

I randomly speak in different languages sometimes and I will barely ever say 'hello' in English when I'm talking with friends.

You know how most people will just throw grammar and spelling out the window when texting their friends? Yeah, I don't. No matter who you are, it will be like I'm writing a formal essay to you.

I like to think I'm really nice t everyone, but really I'm mean to most of my friends. I'll be nice to people I'm not really close to, and I am quite polite, but if you've met me in real life and we're friends, I'm horrible (unless they're upset).

I'm a Scorpio and I deny nothing that most zodiacs say.

Fall Out Boy are my favourite band, because they're amazing. 'Jet Pack Blues' is my favourite song they've done, although at the moment i really like 'Miss Missing You'.

I'm running out of ideas to put here.

I really enjoy art and I believe I'm pretty good at it. My auntie took photos of my sketchbook from when I was eleven and showed them to the teacher at her art class and said they were equivalent to the work of a second year university student.

I'm currently top in my year for maths.

I actually enjoy school (because I have no life except Wattpad outside of it.

I'm really hungry right now. I'm going to go and get some Hula Hoops from my kitchen now.

Dan Howell is possibly my favourite person in the world, excluding myself because I'm amazing

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Dan Howell is possibly my favourite person in the world, excluding myself because I'm amazing.

I just redecorate my entire room and now have a whole shelf in there dedicated to random band/youtube merch that I've collected over time (and a teddy bear from Buckingham Palace). I also have a new 'drawer of miscellaneous crap'.

I currently have 8 pieces (I think) of Dan and Phil merch. These include 2 t-shirts, 2 vinyl stickers, TABINOF, a bookmark, a crappy tour wristband that took us hours to take off after the show and is shredded slightly, and my amazing llama hat.

BBQ beef is now my favourite flavour of Hula Hoops.

Since the beginning of the school year, I haven't handed in any work with spelling mistakes in English.

I have cushioned lap trays in my house.

In the past 2 weeks (Easter holidays) I have been mistaken for my 18 YEAR old sister probably at least 10 times. 3 times it was her boyfriend seeing me in a car and then thinking she had ignored him. They broke up a few days ago (not because of that).

Hula Hoops do not satisfy hunger at all but they taste good so I forgive them.

My mum just said that next Friday we're having Chinese takeaway.

I have a club afterschool every day of the working week. Mondays I do art, Tuesday's I do- nope netball's finished so I don't do anything Tuesday or Wednesday, but in the Autumn and Spring terms I would be doing netball, Thursdays I do choir/volleyball (depending on the time of year, but at the moment it's volleyball), and on Fridays I do dance.

I absolutely hate one of my closest 'friends'. Don't worry though, they aren't on Wattpad so it's none of you.

I just unwillingly made a really weird noise from my throat and I don't know how or why it happened.

I'm still very hungry.

I have this weird self esteem issue where I hate myself but I also think I'm better than everyone else. I also enjoy quoting relatable tumblr posts.

I can't think of anything else. K byeee.

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