HOA Challenge

298 6 463


1. Favourite Season
2. 22222222 (I've been in a weird italicy mood all day so the rest of this will be in italics)

No it won't we'll all get annoyed that way, including me.

2. Favourite Episode
I don't really have one, and I can't match the episodes to the names/numbers anyway. I like the episode where they complete the reflectors task. And the episode where Peddie gets back together in Season 3. And the episodes where Patricia is kidnapped. And all of the season finales.

That paragraph was a grammatical mess.

3. Favourite Ship
Because you don't already know

4. Favourite Male Character
The Amazing Alfredo

5. Favourite Female Character

6. Favourite Friendship
Either those two ^^ or Joy and Patricia because Season 1 Patralfie friendship was the most beautiful thing in the universe, and why would you not say Joytricia like seriously.

7. Least Favourite Season
Season 1 (Don't shoot me, ok?). I don't share the general hatred that everyone seems to have for Season 3, and then Season 2 is definitely my favourite so, by process of elimination, 1 is my least favourite.

8. Least Favourite Episode
The very first one because I love the nostalgia and all but it's so cringey and I nearly die of laughter at how stupid some of the stuff in it is. Like, remember this?

Victor: They died

*every freaking key on Denby's organ plays*

Victor: a very tragic death

Nina: *terrified expression on face*

I mean, you've just been told that the house was built in the 1800s and that they built it, so it's not really a surprise that they're dead, is it?

9. Least Favourite Ship
Out of the couple's that actually exist (I'm going to be hunted down and stoned to death for this) *long sigh*...


*amount of followers halves*


10. Least Favourite Male Chatacter
Mick because, let's face it, everyone agrees (I'm only doing students for these questions by the way)

11. Least Favourite Female Character
All those in favour of punching Season 3 Mara in the face say 'aye'

12. Least Favourite Friendship
I was going to say Alfie and Jerome in Season 1 but then I remembered how adorable Jerome was when Alfie was locked in the cellar and in hospital and stuff so I can't. I don't think I dislike any of the friendships, because they're all good in their own special way (idk), but when I'm asked the question I guess I'll say KT and Eddie, for kind of obvious reasons.

13. Favourite Enemy
Denby would be pretty good, but she uses the word incompetent so much that I had to take a break from watching. Rufus is the enemy, and he may be a fruit loop but he's a pretty fabulous one, but then Frobisher was really creepy. Out of those two, I'm going to have to go with Rufus because he's just... Rufus, isn't he?

14. Favourite Sinner
I loved Fabian because the way he was so mean to Joy made me happy in a really sadistic way. I'm not entirely sure why, it's like how I just laughed when Jucy split up. I also liked Patricia because, unlike Alfie, she kept those Peddie moments alive (which I really needed) and she hid it for so long. But my absolute favourite has to be Mr. Sweet because he was just so funny to watch when he was evil.

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