Writing Challenge

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Guess who's stealing from @shadowspider again... Me! Some of these things I'm going to not answer properly because spoilers.

1. A One Sentence Summary Of The First Story You Ever Wrote
A 10 year old girl decides to write down quests on Sims Medieval in the format of a story.

2. A One Sentence Summary Of Your Current WIP
I'm going to do When The Lion Roars for these questions because even the title of the prologue I'm writing is a spoiler.
Sibuna finds a book and they have to work out who the Sacrifice and Lion are and then people get blackmailed and kidnapped and...


3. A Trope In Your Genre That Gets On Your Nerves
Read How To Write House of Anubis Fanfiction.

Yes I'm actually considering fanfiction as my genre.

4. A Book You Can't Live Without
Paper Towns by John Green because I have read it so many times and I love it so much.

5. Your Character Is Transported To This World And Finds Out You Are Responsible For Their Story. What Would They Say?
Probably "Well, fuck you" or something because I did not give them a happy backstory.

6. You Are Transported Into The World Of Your Story. What Is The Biggest Challenge You Face?
Well it's not really a different world, just a year in the past. I'd stay in hiding until the date I was transported and then get a train back home. Finding money for a train from Liverpool to where I live at the age of 13 would be the biggest challenge.

7. Your Favourite Character You've Ever Written
Erin Hart from my Dan and Phil fanfiction that I deleted because she was pretty cool but also nerdy and I really like the name Erin.

8. Your Least Favourite Character You've Ever Written
Arabella's friends in the prologue.

9. Your Favourite Character From A Book Not Written By You
Either Margo Roth Spiegelman or Alaska (Looking For Alaska). I just really like John Green's slightly messed up characters.

10. The First Sentence Of Your Current WIP
I will do the prologue for this one because the first sentence of WTLR is "Dear former students" or something like that.

Arabella walked out of the metal gates of her now old school, the maroon paint cracked and peeling off in places.

11. The Last Complete Sentence On Your WIP
Prologue for this too because I'm too scared to admit that I haven't started the next chapter yet

Close to tears in confusion, she turned around, seeing nothing.

12. How Would Your Writing Habits Change If The Internet No Longer Existed
My writing habits honestly wouldn't exist. I could maybe finish off Journey to whatever the place on Sims Medieval was called.

13. A Writer You Admire

14. A Random Sentence From Your WIP
I just read through the Phanfiction again so I'm going to use that.

I assume that the prisoner escaped and killed everyone, because nearly all of my dreams end in mass murder, but I'll never know for sure.

15. A Random Sentence From Your Favourite Novel
"I'm asking you to spend two to three hours drinking sugary wine coolers like the pretty little girl that you are, and then another two to three hours vomiting the aforementioned wine coolers through your nose"

16. All social media goes down for 24 hours. How much writing do you get done in those 24 hours?
None, since I write on Wattpad. All of my notes and stuff are on here as well and I like to reread the most recent chapter before I write so I wouldn't write anything.

17. Your Go To Writing Snack
I don't really have one, but you know I seem to be eating chocolate cake a lot in this book. The only other snacks I really eat are Hula Hoops and Pringles to be honest. In fact, I'm going to go and get some Pringles now.

Ahhhh, smokey bacon.

18. Your Go To Writing Spot
Either my bed really late at night or in the morning, or on my sofa while my sister's doing work and we have the TV off.

19. Your Writing Buddy
I don't really know what this is asking but I normally write on my phone and I normally have my llama hat close by (no, I don't know why either)

20. The Writer You Chose For Number 13 Tells You Your Writing Is No Good And You Should Stop Writing. What Is Your Reaction?
*backs away slowly into dark corner*

21. The Actor You Would Choose To Play The Main Character In Your WIP
Lucy Fallon's in the cast list for Arabella but I keep changing who I want for Dan because I don't want him to be too attractive but I can't find anyone not attractive.

22. The First Sentence Of Your Last Completed Novel/Story
Never completed one

23. A Future Version Of You Travels Back In Time And Tells You You Will Never Make Any Money From Writing. Do You Continue?
Well I don't expect to make money from fanfic writing on Wattpad.

24. The One Thing That's Preventing You From Finishing Your WIP
I'm extremely lazy.

25. A Character That Intrigues You From Your WIP
Dan because I know he has a sad (I wouldn't say tragic) backstory but I haven't decided what it is yet.

26. You Face Off Against Your Protagonist In An Everything-goes Mortal Combat. How Long Does The Battle Last And Who Wins
I wouldn't call Arabella the protagonist but we'll go with her. It lasts like 5 seconds and she definitely wins for reasons I just can't tell you yet.

27. You Are Offered £1,000,000 To Never Write A Single Word Ever Again. Do You Take The Deal?
I'd finish off the books I'm writing now and then take it.

28. Your Favourite Fable Or Fairytale
I don't really have one.

29. Does Your WIP Have A Happy Or Sad Ending?
Depends what characters you like, who you ship and what you consider happy/sad. It has an exciting ending, though.

30. You Finish Your WIP And Are Challenged To Write A Sequel. Write A One Sentence Summary For A Possible Sequel
Sibuna solve another mystery to do with another Egyptian God/Goddess and end up saving the world and one of them may or may not die whilst doing it.

I want to kill off a Sibuna now. You guys wanted Nina back in Anubis...

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