40 Day Fandom Challenge

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Because this is longer, I will be doing it in two 20 question parts.

1. Main Fandom
House of Anubis or the Phandom. I just don't know anymore.

2. Favourite TV Show
You don't need me to tell you this.

3. Favourite Book
I swear if I have to write Paper Towns one more time in this book I will just break down and cry (I'm halfway through a reading challenge at the moment and the amount of times I have written it in that)

4. Favourite Movie
I don't really have one. If I had to choose, I would say My Neighbour Totoro, but I've only seen it once.

Most questions from here I will be answering for House of Anubis.

5. Favourite Character
Patricia and Alfie. I just find Alfie adorable, and Patricia's just... Patricia.

6. Least Favourite Character
I watched all but three episodes of Season 3 last week, and I can safely say I want to stab Mara in the fucking throat.

7. Funniest Moment
Okay I could obviously never choose just one, but when Alfie and Fabian interrupt Victor and Trudy's 'date' and they sing them that song has always just stuck in my mind.

8. Happiest Moment
When Peddie get back together in Season 3 because what else would I choose?

9. Saddest Moment
Either Amber leaving or the temporary Jeroy break up because it was just that feeling of NO NO JEROME SHE ACTUALLY DOES LIKE YOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOOO JEROY

Oh and no Season 4.

10. First Fandom
Once a Directioner, always a Directioner.

11. Newest Fandom
I started watching House of Anubis way before Dan and Phil but I was never really involved in the HOA fandom until last July so I'll go with that. Or maybe Dance Moms, all three of those were around the same time so I'm not entirely sure.

12. Saddest Character Death
Okay I'm not really in a fandom for it but [SPOILERS] Alaska was the only time (fortunately) I've had to deal with a character death and it was really sad so we'll go with that.

13. Favourite GIF
Oh that's a hard one. Either


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