A Temple Divided

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Koro's POV

     Walking out of a chamber, I saw a group of Jedi bickering at each other, hurling insults and pushing each other. One of them, an Arcona Jedi Knight male, growled, ''I want no part in the Clone Warz.'' Immediately, most of the others cried out in protest, the voice of a Draethos female named Acturia Monareis. 

     ''It doesn't matter!'' she yelled. ''It isn't up to you; it's up to the Council, you barvy sleemo! And besides, we have to put down the Seperatists! Don't you want to do that?''

     ''Countlez beingz will die, you idiotic, scruffy-looking son of a blaster!'' the Arcona male, Abel Anaconda, growled. ''Don't you see that or are you too blind? We should have never gotten involved. Did you see our lossez on Geonosis? This is kriffing uselez!'' I decided to intercept before this confrontation turned violent. 

     I called, ''Hey, hey! Let's calm down and figure this out, okay? Now what happened?'' 

     Abel hissed, ''Jedi Monareiz over there sayz that the Clone Warz is worth it. I completely disagree!'' Abel had a tendency for his ''s'' and ''c'' to become ''z'' at the end of a word, something he can't help. I shook my head in exasperation, completely annoyed with this petty argument. Really close to a fight over this? I yelled in my head.

    ''Jedi Anaconda thinks that the Clone Wars is pointless!'' Acturia yelled. ''We're fighting for the galaxy, and he thinks that it's ruining the galaxy!''

     I compromised, ''The Clone Wars will cost many lives, yes, but it will help the galaxy in the long run.'' Abel and Acturia both glared at me, eyebrows furrowed, until a voice sounded from behind us.

     ''Jedi Lupus, that was wonderful,'' the voice, belonging to Plo Koon, praised. All of us looked at him in shock. ''Ah, yes, I heard the whole thing, and I'm proud of you. You did the same thing all Jedi should do: keep the peace. Dissipate arguments before they become violent. The sad thing is that Jedi were the ones that needed to be broken up.'' Abel and Acturia looked down in embarrassment. Thinking that they had learned their lesson, I left for the Holocron Vault.

Time Skip :)

     ''This is vinto! Hreeda! Ittu!'' Zllen cried out in anger. We were standing in Fellowship Plaza along with other Jedi, HoloNews people, and Republic forces on the way. Abel and Actulia were engaged in furious lightsaber combat because they couldn't settle their differences. I ended up here because I saw other Jedi heading outside, and I followed them out of curiosity. ''Do you have to do this?''

     Abel countered, ''Thiz is the only way! Jedi Monareis attacked first!'' The Draethos female jabbed her lightsaber at the Arcona male, but he blocked it with a downward sweep, then countered it with a full circle, swiping at her neck. Acturia ducked and launched a sweep kick, but Abel saw it coming and jumped back. Next, he launched a punch at her chest, but she leaned back and grabbed his hand, bending it back, then lauched a roundhouse kick to his ribs on his left side. Abel dropped, one of his hands on his ribs, as the Draethos Knight pulled her foot back to kick the fallen Arcona Knight again.

     No longer able to tolerate this, I sent Acturia flying with a hard Force-shove that she wasn't expecting. I then used the Force to enhance my speed to where, as she got up, I flipped over her head, and kicked out hard, catching her in the forehead, and rendered her unconscious. When I looked at everyone else, they were too shocked by the fact of a lightsaber duel between two Jedi to even move. I walked over to Abel, who was now struggling to get up, and lent him a hand to help him up. He graciously took it as I used my strength to pull him up.

     ''I'm sorry, Jedi Lupuz,'' he began apologetically. ''I...didn't want...to fight, but she...attacked me. What choice...did...I have?'' 

     I answered, ''No need, Abel. There were no casualties, and that is what matters. Are you okay?'' A Jedi healer came over, an Ugnaught male, and grabbed his hand to take him to the Halls of Healing. A Hapan Padawan with dark chestnut hair and deep emerald eyes seemed deeply worried for Abel. I had learned from Zllen that her name was Talia Sunfall, and, based on her feelings for the older man, she must be his Padawan. A young human male dressed in brown robes and a black cloak with sky-blue eyes and auburn hair that flopped to one side was checking on Acturia along with a younger girl with chocolate hair and sea-colored eyes. 

     ''Naomi,'' he was saying, ''what you saw doesn't happen often, and I would never encourage you to do the same thing. Understand?''

     Naomi answered, ''Of course, Master.'' I realized that it was Jedi Knight Yemen Slavka and his Padawan, Naomi Salan. (A/N: Master and Padawan by @riverdawnisnumberone) I walked over to them and knelt down. Naomi noticed me and informed, ''That was one stang of a kick! She'll be out cold for quite a while.''

     Yemen explained farther, ''Where you kicked could have badly damaged her, but I believe she will be fine. The best way to know is for Naomi to hook her up to a scanner, and if anything's wrong, I can have her Force-heal it.''

     ''Me?'' she exclaimed, surprise clear in her Force aura. ''Do you believe I'm ready?''

     He responded, ''We won't know until you give it a shot, will we? Besides, I'll be with you as you do it.'' She smiled in determination as she picked up the unconscious Draethos to take him to the Halls of Healing. I sighed as I looked at all the news reporters filming everything that was going on and a commander of Republic forces arguing with Master Jeisel. We'll be on the HoloNet tonight, I thought with a sinking feeling.

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