Chapter 32. A Certain Nightmare Part 2

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The Dream that seems like reality continues....

I'm sorry for lates but...
Roleplay with me! Lemons, limes, that's accepted just tell me you want to Roleplay, I'm bored for the summer. Please comment and let me know, I'm really bored.
No Perspective

(Y/n) continues to eat quietly, but not before she sees a tunnel, moved through boulders and building ruins, (Y/n) tell the others, she hears voices echoing through the ruins. (Y/n) begins walking with the others down through the ruins before she wake ups. (Y/n) sighs, and it's still nighttime, she stands up from her bed, her eyes open, and glances out the window, (Y/n) is a bit bored so she quietly sprints to the rooftop, and there she just sat down and dangled her feet off the rooftop. It was pretty far but she could see the city, beautifully lit, and then the moon continued to glimmer over her, until the stars began joining the glitter shower before the rain and snow began coating the world. (Y/n) walked back inside to take a shower, then she remembered, she wanted to meet more people, this group of people were her family and one was her lover, but ever since the distance between one another grew, she began hoping for a friend. Then, the doorbell rang, echoing noisily through the hallway, waking everyone else up. (Y/n) answered the door and saw Hayate, a close protective friend of hers, Dio watched as they hugged, his eye glistened with a glint of jealousy firing up. (Y/n) smiled at Hayate, "(Y/n)!" Hayate exclaims, his beautiful black hair, those truthful, brave eyes, that pure heart made of gold, and that sword that made him look like a king. Dio stared at his hands, 'What does he have that I do not?' Dio's heart pounds against his chest, his eye darkened, his heart began breaking as he saw (Y/n)'s bright smile being flashed towards Hayate. Hayate smiled at Dio, "Is something wrong?" His innocent speech, it was all glorious, "No, I'm absolutely fine." Dio flashes a fake smile, Max and the others can see through that smile while (Y/n) continues to talk to Hayate. "How'd you get here? When did you set out?" These questions (Y/n) asked, 'She no longer has an interest in me...' Dio thinks clenching his hands, he had done so much, and had a history with them, how could (Y/n) vanish without a second thought about her team? These questions, these atrocious thoughts blinded Dio, Yuka stepped to Dio, "She's forgotten about you hasn't she? She's forgotten about the team?" Yuka asks, placing her hand on his shoulder, Shizuko, Ciel, and Max also look at Dio with their eyes piercing him. "Have a seat, Sebastian shall tend to you, I must speak with them." Ciel waves them off to the living room before turning back, "I didn't think he'd have her wrapped around her finger so easily." Dio mumbles, "It could be my imagination of jealousy." Dio chuckles at his own sentence, "Dio, we all see them, if it isn't just your jealousy, you can see them chat today and have children tomorrow. You must claim her as your wife!" Yuka and Shizuko inform him with serious faces and tones, Hayate's melodic laughter, (Y/n)'s smile, when did things fall apart? "I should just step back, they look right together, her father wouldn't approve of his test subject marrying his daughter." Dio's flashbacks of the time he watched over (Y/n) and Aya from the shadows. Shizuko took (Y/n)'s hand, "Hayate please wait here." Shizuko says not looking back, "Yes Shi? You should hurry, me and Hayate-" "You and Hayate nothing!" Shizuko exclaims, "You have Dio." Yuka reminds, "We went through hell and back together, are you really going to ditch your love for someone who just appeared at your doorstep?!" Max asks, "It's an obvious statement we are trying to get through to you about, are you going to give your love to Hayate, or Dio?" Ciel seriously and straightforwardly asks, breaking the thin ice wall that (Y/n)'s world was protected by. (ATTACK OF THE TEAM!) (Y/n) tilted her head...
I'm sorry for lates but...
Roleplay with me! Lemons, limes, that's accepted just tell me you want to Roleplay, I'm bored for the summer. Please comment and let me know, I'm really bored.

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