Chapter 25. Game Part 1

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Konichiwa! Let's start ^_^
Previously, you and the others were opening up to one another, until you all fainted to an unknown cause... A man was hovering over you all....
Your PoV
I didn't know what was going on, I felt like I could move, but the rest of me simply wouldn't respond. I felt paralyzed, I couldn't speak, see, move, but I knew I was alive. Suddenly, I was able to move again, I immediately stood up, then began observing my surroundings. This wasn't the Phantomhive Manor, hadn't we all been through enough? I sigh, before checking all the rooms available in this unknown area. Where is everyone else? I feel uneasiness in my stomach, the hallways have a deadly aura lacing with them. It feels as though the hallways are endless, that the rooms will forever remain dark, that I will be here forever. I see everyone else, all staring at a screen, like a TV, but this didn't resemble a TV all that much... The screen flickers, and then a masked figure is chuckling, it's a male, he seems to find something very amusing. He stops chuckling, "You all are bad.... You shall face punishment in the name of the Queen." He says, with his hand out, palm up, I shrug, "It's kill or be killed." We say in perfect unison/sync, he shakes his head, "You will learn... Painfully." He mutters to himself, "Wait, how are you going to use the Queen's name to kill us? So dependent on others." Shi's voice says with a hint of attitude in her tone, "Burn." The man basically chants, "Ouch, to poor innocent children..." Max fakes, "So rude, let the class of all of your deaths and fears begin." He announces in an ear piercing yell, I don't understand what's going on. Everything turns hazy, and I'm with Dio in a dimly lit room, there's one chair... It has spikes pointing up towards the ceiling in rows, "One of you will face hurt but won't die, choose... I'll give you two minutes to choose." A new voice thunders, "We won't die, but we'll face pain for a while..." I repeat, "Oh! And one of you will come with me and face a different lesson..." The voice adds on, "I'll go with him." Dio decides, I disagree, what if Dio gets more injured that he can't continue? I can't allow it... But I can't force him. "You don't have to, I'm going with them." I say, sounding confident, he shakes his head, "Besides, this isn't the punishment..." The voice trails off, and the chair disappears, instead the walls move closer then more far away. "You just have to make it alive through that. Only once." The man says, "I'm going with you!" Dio says to the speaker, the speaker cuts off, then a man with a different mask appears, and takes Dio by the arm, I want to protest but they are already gone. I see as the walls are getting closer, then a shadow waves at me, "Hey. This is my 'punishment' as well..." Shi says, she makes everything sound so positive, even though this situation isn't good. The walls get very close in a span of seconds, I can hear muffled screams coming from the next room, I shouldn't have let him go. The walls are closing in on us quickly, we hold our breaths until the walls are two feet from touching, the walls close, for about two seconds and I an breathe again as they separate, Shi is on the ground, not speaking. Both of us are too busy regaining our breathing level to speak, "That didn't hurt as bad as to scream." Shi says, I nod, words can't express how I felt about that scream just now though, then the door opens, revealing Dio, "One punishment down." I basically announce, "Two left." Shi says, pointing to the orange door in front of us, my stomach churns as I walk through the door, and there is just a blank room. "Wait until everyone else arrives, you have forty eight hours to do as you like." The speaker cuts off immediately as if someone needed them asap, "Forty eight hours... That's not short, and it's not long." Shi mumbles, I chuckle a bit, a table of items and then three doors, each one of them has a name on it, then other doors appear, with other names on them. We read them all, "There are bedrooms, one for each of us, and tables of items, to ease our boredom, wait those aren't items, those are.... Keys?!" Dio says, picking up a key, we all pick up a key, mine is striped (whatever two colors, I don't do favorite because what if you choose a color that isn't your favorite? What are you going to do then? It's childish but there's a law of expression! Here anyway...), Dio's key is bright, it's like the color of his hair and the color of the bandages on his eye socket, Shi's has stripes too, one color is cyan and the other is like bright gold. The rest of the keys disappear, and then two keys reappear in each backpack. The backpacks, there are six of them, just like the doors and rooms, our names are on them, and they are the same color except with designs on them, "Gotta be colorful!" Shi says with a small smile, grabbing her backpack, I touch my backpack, it's your average backpack, but just for caution! I throw the backpack over my shoulders like Dio and Shi did, there are three canteens of water each, a medical kit (Just in case), and there is room for any excess items. I take a small sip of water, being sure to conserve the water in case I need it, then Max and Ciel come out from the orange door, they have bruises and cuts, they look like they are ready to explain what happened. "Snakes...Spiders...Bears....Animals that weren't poisonous but are deadly to mess with, we had to do a 'Hunter' punishment, we had to get one animal to eat in order to survive for at least under two hours, or we'd be executed he said. So we decided bear, but...we DID pass though!" Max seems proud of their accomplishment, Ciel looks tired, but they both don't look terrible, just a few cuts on the arms and legs, we get out one medical kit from Ciel's backpack, and he and Max pick out a key, they choose two colors, and their backpacks appeared and all that. We patch them up, it seems it only took thirty four minutes, not even an hour has passed but this silence is driving me crazy. They are looking a bit like mummies, we aren't professional nurses and doctors but we helped so it wouldn't get infected or anything worse. They are resting in their rooms, we wait for Yuka patiently for about twenty one minutes, then we stop, we decide to look for food, I don't notice but then I do, Shizuko is singing (All of the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Openings and Endings! FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST BROTHERHOOD IS MY FAVORITE ANIME! EVERY CHARACTER EVEN THE BAD PEOPLE I LOVE THEM ALL EXCEPT WINRY AND ENVY AND FATHER! :) passionately, she finishes them all before she sees me, she quickly hides her face. "S-Sorry." She whispers, I smile, and shake my head, "Sorry." I say and lay on top of my bed, I'm really bored, I knock on the orange door and the speaker turns on, "Yes?" The man says, "If Yuka comes back, will we still get those hours of rest? Oh, and do you film the inside of each of our rooms?" I ask, "You may still get your rest for those hours, and no it's a violation of privacy so your rooms aren't filmed, in case you get disgusting and do the unspeakable..." He says with a chuckle, I nod, trying not to show irritation with the cockiness in his voice. "Wanna play truth or dare?" Max asks, peering his head in each of our rooms, we nod with a shrug, Max places a canteen in the center of our 'circle' and spun the canteen. "If you don't do a dare you have to sacrifice all of your canteens of water to the person that gave you the dare..." Max says, "Yuka..." Shizuko whispers staring at the open orange door, Yuka walks in with a smile, "Speak of the devil." I say, she sits down and we begin truth or dare. Our game lasts for a while until we fall asleep, everyone did their dares. I couldn't believe I fell asleep in a place that was unknown to me that could probably kill me in my sleep...


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