Chapter 26. Game Part 2. Choose!

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Hello, I'm a loner, that's all. K let's start.

Your PoV

A. Nightmares

I couldn't stop having nightmares about gore, blood, and such, it was as if this area had triggered thoughts about 'Dad's' Laboratory in the cellar, he had been so kind to Aya and considered her as a 'Pure Being' but he thought of me as 'Worthless Mistake', for the fact that I was a bit more... Common sensed I guess you could say, since I hated father the moment I saw him too, shady bitch. I kept hearing stomping footsteps, muffled screams, I kept seeing blood, organs, intestines, and limbs, they were set about as if they were decorating the halls, the halls of the unknown... I could see blood decorating these large windows, organs basically in plastic bags on dusty shelves like the ones in Dad's Lab, intestines decorating the door like (I think it is a garland, you know that thing that snakes around the Christmas tree? I don't celebrate Christmas so I don't know...) garlands (I think) on a Christmas tree, limbs scattered about on the boarded floors, it was hard to keep track of anything, I couldn't tell if it was the limbs, blood, organs, or intestines of my comrades or who, but I had woke up just before finding out.

B. Sweet Dreams

I honestly can't tell you much, I had your average dream, the one where nothing fascinating happens, I guess that it was okay, if I had a nightmare I might not wake up all that joyfully, but Dio might come to see if I'm okay so it's a fifty, fifty either way.

After waking from your average dream or your nightmare, you had discovered that there was a new door then the orange door that was there yesterday, it was a green door, with blood splatters made to look like polka dots, but upon further inspection, there were numbers behind the blood stains. I quickly used my hands, not caring if they got stained, I began wiping the blood from the door on myself, my arms and hands, a bit of my outfit, was stained with the blood, but the door was clear of blood, except a few smears of blood that were dry. I had written the numbers down on the floor with the blood, it was actually very easy.

6, 5, 3, 7, 3, 9,4,

I wrote those numbers that were now written on the floor, the numbers could have been a different code altogether but they were written like that, the blood making it look like it was farther away from other numbers, the others, the doors to the other rooms of my friends were still locked and they were still asleep. I began tracing my fingers over everything in the room, hoping to find a bump or crack that was suspicious enough to help us out of here, I didn't want to wait for the man to help us out. Even if he said he'd help, what if he was lying? These questions irked me, leaving my stomach churning, my head hurting a bit, and my fingers shaking. I clenched my stomach from my shirt, I needed to stop overthinking things, but... I'll continue searching for a way out until the man comes, if the man comes, and he acts suspicious, I'll use the surgical knife/rather sharp and large scalpel. I smirked a bit, I felt very petty, I tried thinking of a backup plan, I abruptly stopped thinking when Shizuko woke up. "What are you doing up so early?" She asked with a yawn, "Thinking..." I answered, "(Y/n), you know everyone was thinking of the questions that are racing around in your mind right now. Your plan could work, but your overthinking, we either die, failing to escape or we live, succeeding to see natural sunlight again." Shizuko says, "Now I'm gonna go pounce into Ciel, see ya in a bit." Shizuko says, before opening the door to his room, If she woke me up while I was sleeping I woulda killed her though. I thought, chuckling to myself, "WHY'D YOU WAKE ME UP?!" Ciel yelled, Shizuko rushed to her temporary room and locked the door, "You didn't have to yell at her." Yuka says, exiting her room, so do the others, "If my younger sis doesn't come out of her room later I'm shooting you." Max tells Ciel, holding up two handguns, "He probably isn't joking." Dio's voice makes me smile, I hop onto Dio and hug him, my arms around his neck, "DIO!" I yelled, he blushes and slowly hugs back, "You guys are SOO affectionate!" Yuka compliments, pushing our heads closer and closer until our lips touch, "Aww!" Yuka teases, I hide my face, until Max pats my head, "You must've had fun when you lost your vir-" "STOP!" I yell, "Aww, okay!" They say, Dio stares at the floor, I stare at the numbers on the floor, Ciel is doing nothing. Shizuko exits her room two hours later, she is still very peppy, she teases me with Max and Yuka, the doors open not so much later. The door has locks on it, we all punch a number on it, then we separate again, this time its me and Max, Max isn't trying to show the fact that he's very annoyed, well, I'm annoyed too so.... This time it was a checkerboard, not your average checkerboard, it was the biggest checkerboard I had ever seen, I climbed (Literally) to the board, there were red and black tiles, I pressed my hand on one, and then a knife almost got my eye, so it was this kind of game. Max appears beside me, "There are two trails to exit safely, the tiles are numbered, with the numbers from the doorway, but in a different order, you will recieve cards with questions, if you know the answer you must say it aloud..." A voice, a familiar one said over the speaker, flash cards appeared at our feet, I picked up my 'deck' of cards, the first card... "First number...Same number, what was the first number... Options 3, 6, 4...." I read, what kind of question is this? NO GOING BACK CHEATERS!


It seemed like the first number would be three, since it was the very first number than the rest of them, "Three." I say unconfidently, a number three tile appears at the next step, I shakily step on to it, my fear drained, and I continued until I made it to the other side.

Your a risk taker! Good job Reader-san!


Six from the blood stained door, I held up six fingers, a tile with the number six is at my feet, as soon as I touch it, a knife with a number is close to me, I take out the next card quickly, "Uh... Step on seven?" I read, and step on seven quickly, the rest of the tiles aren't that bad, a few scratches here and there but I'm alive (I'M ALIVE! AND I'LL SLEEP WHEN I DIE!).

Your Reader-san, are a logical human. Good job! 


Four is in between, so I really don't care if I get it wrong, I step on four, and it seems fine, that is, until my back gets stabbed with a knife, it did hurt, but I felt perfectly fine. The number of miniature scars increases, but passing without dying is good enough for me.

Reader-San! You are the cool one who hates choices, I think... Good job!

Max made it with worse scars than I, he must have been at battle, Shizuko is going to be concerned, I walk with him to the exit, that is where it is over, we are in a waiting room again. I take out Max's medical kit, and patch up a bit, I am no nurse, but I can try to stop the bleeding and infection possibilities.

I'm sorry for being late on updates, ROLEPLAY! ROLEPLAY! ROLEPLAY! i GOT A NEW BOOK!

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