Kids Talk

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 Mark's POV

Jack and I were walking around our neighborhood, his hand holding mine. Sure it was hot, but a nice breeze kept us cool. He was smiling and so was I. After a while of walking we came across a small park, I looked over the line of bushes that was blocking my view to find 2 somewhat older looking kids.

"What about Wadiplier?" The boy said to the girl next to him on the swings.

"Woah what?! Why? Their too good of friends to be together." Both of them laughed. I pulled Jack over behind one of the bushes and sat down facing away from the park. I wanted to see where this was going. Jack looked a bit confused but sat down anyway.

"If Mark and Wade got married, it would be over in three months, and all you would hear from their house is ' SHUT UP WADE!!!' and " SCREW YOU MARK!!' and poor Bob having to live next door to them is just saying 'You morons.' like 24/7" The boy burst out laughing and the girl soon did too. I couldn't help but laugh a bit myself.

"Mark, what on earth are we doing here?" Jack whispered to me.

"Just listen okay?" I whispered pulling him closer to me. He heard what they were saying and understood why I wanted to listen.


" Same thing as septiplier. But funnier name." She chuckled while he gave her a confused hum.

" What do you mean funnier?" Jack and I both tried to control our laughter, unfortunately we both ended up snickering loudly.

" What was that?" The girl sounded a bit confused. Jack grabbed my hand and ran off, while I was trying to keep up with him. Soon enough we arrived home and we both looked at each other and laughed.

" So this is what kids talk about?" Jack said in a break of laughter.

" Apparently."

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