23. Oh Cinderella, They Aren't Sluts Like You

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I heard my phone go off and I stood up and grabbed it from my purse.

"I'm here!" Kimberly texted me.

I walked out the door and got into her car.

Later That Afternoon

I had a blast with Kimberly and Diane during mani and pedis. I told them I was nervous about my baby bump and they both told me to just flaunt it. After that Kimberly dropped me off for the Tour lunch. The other opening act was Rise Against. They would be going on after Peace Punk and before the Foo Fighters. After that Frances had picked me up and we went to emet Courtney to get our hair done for the night. They also redid my make up after Courtney insisted I look more glamourous over girl next door. I didn't fight her. Frances and I got home as Hunter was walking up the drive way.

"Hey glad you're home. We need a family meeting,"I said as he got to the front door.

"I didn't do anything wrong did I?" Hunter asked as we walked into the house.

"No. It's about beanie baby," I said as we walked to the kitchen.

"Please tell me we can finally know the sex of this baby," Frances said as she put pizza int he microwave for me. She wouldn't let me touch the microwave while I was here.

"Well do you have any name suggestions first?" Iasked.

"For a boy I like Paul for Paul McCartney, Kenny and James," Hunter said.

"What about if it's a girl?" I asked.

"It's not going to be but I like Lexie, Barbara and Shannon," he repliedas he grabbed his pizza fromt he fridge and sat down at the table.

"Ok. Frances?" I asked as she put my pizza in front of me and sat down with her cold pizza.

"For a girl, Meredith because you love Grey's Anatomy or Derek for a boy. Actually I was talking to my mom and she suggested my dad's name if it's a boy and hers or mine if it's a girl. Only if it's ok with you and Dave. I wouldn't mind too much. I'd be kind of honored," she said after she swallowed her mouthful.

"Are you sure?" I aksed.

"I wouldn't have told you if I wasn't sure,"she replied.

"Well Dave and I found out on the 5th what it was," I said as Itook a bite out of my pizza.

"Tell me what my god child is woman!" Frances exclaimed.

"Before I tell you I want to tell you Dave and I did discuss what we would name it. Your dad's name came up and I'm glad your okay with it because Dave was," I said.

"Tell us already!" Hunter said loudly.

"It's a boy!" I shouted.

"I knew it!" Hunter yelled and stood up and started jumping up and down.

"You already have a name. What is it?" France asked.

"Kurt Taylor Bean Grohl," I replied.

"I love you girl," Frances said and hugged me.

"I love you too," I responded and hugged her back. Hunter eventually came and hugged both of us.

Two Hours Later

I was walking down the stairs when Dave walked into the house.

"Wow!" he said when he saw me. I was wearing a long light pink dress that showed off my bump.

"That's good right?" I asked as I walked over to him.

"Holy crap!" I heard from behind us. I turned around and saw Hunter standing there with his mouth open holding a pizza pop.

"Close your mouth," I said and he did.

"You look great," Hunter said as he headed upstairs.

"Thanks. Make sure you do your homework," I responded.

"Yes mother," he responded as a joke before he closed his door.

"You look absolutely beautiful babe," Dave said as I turned back to face him.

"Thanks. You look exactly like I knew you would," I said with a smile before I kissed him. The door bell rang just before our lips touched and he turned away to answer the door.

"Car service for Brittany Lane," the man at the door said.

"Your pumpkin awaits Cinderella," Dave said.

"Come on prince charming. Let's go to the ball," I said with a laugh and headed out the door.

The premiere went extrememly well. Dave and I walked the red carpet. Dave got asked todoan interview and he agreed. I was doing an interview close to him and heard them ask about the up coming tour. He answered the question and the reporter then asked about the Foos new album. Dave then told the reporter that he wasn't here to talk about the Foo Fighters and that his real reason for being here was to support me. After walking the red carpet, doing interviews, posing for pictures with everyone and sitting and watching the movie, I was exhausted.

"Are you two coming to the after party?" Kimberly asked Dave and I as we stood in the theatre lobby with the rest of the cast. Kimberly's husband Brad Paisley was standing beside her. I tried to hide a yawn.

"I think this one is tired after everything she did today," Dave said with a chuckle as he put his arm around my waist. I nodded before resting my head against him.

"We'll have to get together for lunch next week sometime before you guys head off on tour," Brad said.

"That'd be great," I said with a sleepy smile.

"Tell Harper I said thanks by the way," Kimberly said.

"Will do," Dave replied for me as I yawned again.

We agreed to meet up for lunch the next day. We said good night and headed home. Only thing we had to do tomorrow was the lunch with Brad and Kimberly. Then the rest of the time we'd be rehearsing on a mock up of the stage. We would be toruing for 3 months then take a 4 month break when I got to 8 months. Once Kurt was 3 months old we'd be goingback out to finish the remaining 5 months of tour. Things where changing and fast but it was for the best.

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