Chapter Eighteen

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*Dan's P.O.V.*

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEAR!" Phil screeched while bursting through our bedroom door with breakfast.

"Hmm? Wha-" I asked, sleep still dancing around in my mind.

"It's your birthday, Dan! Here's Delia Smith pancakes and oh- Let me get your present!" He said in a rush and scurried off down the hall.

I sat up and laughed at my 'punk' boyfriend getting excited over my birthday. He's too cute.

"Here! I hope you like it!" He said, pushing it towards me with a wide smile on his face.

I admired the... different wrapping style. He used four different wrapping papers, covered it in tape, applied cat stickers to it, and stuck about seven bows onto it. It's very Phil. I began tearing off the wrapping paper and raised an eyebrow at him.

"A Canon camera?" I asked, smiling at the gift, but slightly confused.

"Yeah, well, I was thinking. I love you, Peej and Chris love you, so maybe other people will too. You've been through a lot recently and I think that you have too much time on your hands and that might not help you cope with it. So, I thought you could channel your energy into a YouTube channel. I know so many people will love you," He said, blushing.

"Only if you make a channel too," I said, smiling at the camera.

"Pinky promise?" He said, raising up his little finger.

I locked mine with his and brought him closer so I could kiss the air out of this boy. The kiss became heated quickly. He pulled away with a laugh.

"There's time for that tonight. Oh, and I'm throwing you a party. Don't ask questions. Just get ready and eat, Bear. They'll all be here around seven," He said, kissing my forehead.

I nodded with a smile and ate my food. I took a shower and changed into my light denim jeans and a light pink sweater. I put my white flower crown on and smiled at my appearance.

"Hey, you look cute," Phil said, coming into my room.

"Thanks," I said and hugged him.

He kissed my nose.

"Hey, Phil, can we go somewhere to pass the time?" I asked.

"Sure, where do you want to go?" He asked.

"The cliffs?" I suggested, looking down.

He hugged me tightly and kissed the top of my head.

"Sure, Bear. Let me just grab a jacket," He said, heading towards our closet and pulling out his favorite denim jacket.

We drove to the cliffs and parked under the huge oak tree. We sat in the car for a while. I was deep in thought.

It's strange. This place used to give me nightmares and endless chills whenever I thought about it. I used to be scared to close my eyes because I'd always see this place etch into my head and I could never escape it. Everything about this place terrified me. The waves, the rocks, the powerful winds when there was an upcoming storm, how secluded it was- everything. It's strange because now, I find all these things about the cliffs beautiful. Of course this place will always make me feel bittersweet, but I know that Charlie wouldn't want me to be afraid anymore. Sometimes I think about him when I'm scared about something. I imagine what he must have been through in order to feel like the only thing to do was to jump. I imagine what dark voices were in his head, convincing him that jumping would solve anything. I also wonder if he heard my voice in his head telling him not to. It must have been drowned out by the other voices. I imagine his knees shaking and his pupils dilating as he looked down at his fate. I imagine his lips quivering and his fingers twitching. I wonder where he is now. I wonder if he's at peace.

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