Chapter Fourteen

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*Phil's P.O.V.*

I woke up smiling. I had the love of my life in my hands, sound asleep. He's so exquisite. I never thought love was real or any idea to do with it. I never believed in soulmates or "the one". I just believed that everything happens due to coincidence. But, after I met Dan, I know that isn't true. I feel as if the universe made us meet, but I don't think it was a coincidence. I think that we had to meet to complete ourselves. We both were hurt, maybe even damaged and we tried to pick up the pieces ourselves, but we always lost some along the way and had holes in ourselves, but when we met each other and became close, I feel like he had my missing pieces and I had his. We made each other whole again.

I used to think that the universe didn't create very good things anymore. I thought that good things in this world were rare. But as I'm laying here, with this small brunette boy in my arms, letting out small snores, I know that the universe still makes good things. And yes, they are rare, but that's the whole beauty of it. I found the most beautiful creation the universe has ever made and its in my arms, containing all of my love.

I don't think I could ever stop loving Dan. After all we've been through, I think it's safe to say we're invincible. I don't know what's going to happen with our parents, but Dan is my home now and I'm his. I'll provide for him and we'll make it. We'll prove everyone wrong.

"Mmmph." Dan groaned as he woke up and stretched.

"Morning, Bear." I said as I kissed his cheek as he rubbed his eye with his tiny fist.

"Morning." He said, smiling, "I love you."

"And I love you."

"But, Phil, what are we going to do? Neither of us can go home. Where are we going to go?"

I smiled when I reached inside my jean pocket and revealed my parents' car keys.

Dan looked up, turning his head to the side, not understanding.

"My parents have a few apartments that they use when they go on business trips. This set of keys happens to have their nicest one's key."

His eyes widened and he tackled me, giggling.

"Wait, where is it?" He asked, hovering over me.

"It's in London. We can still go to school and everything, but it will be tough. We'll have to probably get jobs so we can buy food and stuff." I said.

Now it was his turn to smile. He got up and went to his bag and revealed loads of cash.

"It isn't much, but we can live of off this until we get jobs." He said, smiling shyly.

"This is perfect. Want to go see the place?" I asked, taking his hand.

He nodded and we got all of our clothes on and stuff together and drove to the complex.

*Dan's P.O.V.*

The apartment is huge. There are three staircases and big white rooms. It's all decorated with black furniture and there are luckily, two of the bedrooms contain beds. Thankfully, the apartment is mostly furnished. All we have to buy are bed sheets, a few cooking utensils, groceries, and any other necessities that we don't have. Thankfully, we have enough money to buy all of those things and even have a copious amount left over.

Piercings & PastelsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora