Chapter Fifteen

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Author's note: there may or not be some smutty mcsmut smut & it may be awkward or I may use the wrong terms because I'm not a boy and I don't know how that type of stuff works, but yeaaaah. I hope it satisfies all of your smuttiest dreams.

*Dan's P.O.V.*

"Phil, I'm going out, I saw a help wanted sign outside the window of a flower shop a few days ago and I want to go apply for the job!" I called out to the kitchen where I knew Phil was with his hand stuffed into a box of cereal. I waited for the sound of a gulp and a "MHMM!" Before descending down the many, many stairs.

At least I won't have to worry about cardio.

I arrived at the small shop and entered. Once I walked in, I was faced with so many rich and unique smells of flowers. A bell above the door rang, revealing my presence.

"Just a minute!" I heard a voice say from around the corner. The voice sounded Australian.

Once the boy came around the corner, he greeted me with a smile. I read his name tag that said "Troye"

"Hello, Mate. What can I do for you today?" He asked, his accent not as thick as most.

"I noticed your help wanted sign and I wanted to apply for the position." I said, a blush becoming prevalent onto my cheeks. I always hated talking to people when it concerned something like this. I've never been good at job interviews. Not because I'm rude or arrogant, but I'm socially inept and tend to put my foot in my mouth by making perverted jokes or saying something ironic/ sarcastic and being the only one that laughs. I've learned to just smile and talk when talked to.

"Ah, alright. Well, how old are you?" Troye asked.

"Seventeen." I said.

He nodded and hummed to himself.


"Dan Howell."

He hummed in response.

"Okay, you start on Monday." He said.

"Sir, I really need this jo- Oh. That was easy. Well, see you Monday?" I said.

He chucked and nodded.

I was turning to leave when I saw a medium sized house plant. I turned to Troye.

"Just take it. I've been trying to sell that thing since we opened. Take the baby cactus too. See you Monday!" He said cheerfully.

I (awkwardly) carried the house plant and the baby cactus to our apartment up the many stairs and into the lounge where Phil was sitting, watching some anime. His eyes widened when he saw the house plant and jolted out of his seat.

"Dan! We have a plant and a baby cactus! They're like our children!" Phil said a bit too enthusiastically.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"I knew you'd appreciate it." I said. He kissed my cheek and found a place for the plant and cactus.

"I think the cactus should be named Becky and the plant, Jessica." He said after he returned.

I giggled, but nodded.

I sat on the couch next to him and rested my head in my lap. I took out my phone and studied it before sighing.

"Everything okay, babe?" Phil asked while playing with my hair.

"I haven't heard from my mom in weeks. I've tried texting her, but haven't gotten anything back. It's strange." I answered truthfully.

Piercings & PastelsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora