Warm Blankets

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It was a rainy day. You just finished a painting you worked on all day. You turn off your blasting music and looked at your colorful hands. You smile. You clean your brushes and then leave your art room. You let the painting dry.
You went to take a shower.

You get in your favorite cozy pajamas and see a text from your boyfriend Robbie. You smile as you read it.
"I'm at your front door with pizza and movies."

You go and get him inside and he kisses you. "Hey beautiful."
You smile. "Hi handsome."
"What have you been doing today?" He asks.
You smile and show him your new painting.
He smiled. "It's great."
You smile back. "Thank you!"

You lead him to your room. You light a candle and then plug in some fairy lights.
You turn on a movie.
You both get on your cozy bed with blankets.
Robbie smiled at you watching the movie. You turn and look at him. "What?" You giggle.
"Nothing you just make me happy." He smiled.
You cuddle your blanket. "Like warm blankets?" You say.
He nods. "Yeah you make me happy like warm blankets."
You both kiss for a while and cuddle and eat pizza and enjoy some movies.

YOU + Robbie KayDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora