Netflix and Chill

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You had a date with Robbie Kay.
You got your room all cute with blankets, movies, pizza and candy and of course soda.
You hear the doorbell ring. And run over to let him inside.
You had on cute Victoria's Secret sweats and a cute tee shirt. He had on basketball shorts and an old tees hurt. You smiled seeing his huge smile as you opened the door.

You both went to your room.
It was Netflix Disney movie night. You both cuddled and fed each other pizza all night.
Once you both watched two movies. (Disney movies of your choice)
You look at him. His hair was a little messed up and he looked extra cute and smelled amazing.
You kiss his cheek.
He smirked at you and hugged you and you both started making out.he tasted like pizza and Coca Cola. It got pretty intense and you both fell on the bed. You both breathed for air. He gave you a look. And you knew what was about to happen.. 😉

YOU + Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now