Baby, Part 1

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You and Robbie have been married one year today. You had baby fever. Bad.
You both wanted to wait one year after being married so you knew for sure you were ready. And you were.
Everywhere you went you saw babies.
You wanted one. And when Robbie comes home today. You were gonna talk.

Robbie came home and set his backpack down and saw you sitting on your bed looking at a magazine.
"Hey baby." He said leaning over to kiss you. He took his watch and coat off and sat down next to you in the bed hugging you close to him.
"Robbie?" You say as he kissed your neck.
"Hmm.." He said still kissing you.
"I'm ready for a baby." You say.
He stopped kissing you and you looked him in the eye.
"Really?" Robbie asked.
"I see babies everywhere!" You laugh
Robbie chuckled and moved your hair away from your face. "If you're ready, I'm ready." He smiled. You smile big and kiss him roughly.

Couple months later..

You took a bath and then put on a black bra and underwear. You look at yourself sideways in the mirror. Your belly was growing. Everything happened so fast. You found out you were pregnant right away after making the decision to do so. You and Robbie were very excited. You sigh and touch your belly.
You walk out to the bedroom where Robbie was sitting shirtless on the bed.
"Hey beautiful." He smiled.
You smile a little.
"Hi Daddy." You walk over to him. He touches your stomach and kisses it.
"Hey little one." He whispered.
You smile and run your hands through Robbie's hair. "Things are gonna change soon. We are gonna be a family of three."
Robbie looks up at you. "I can't wait."
He stood and kissed you.
You turn to face your long mirror in your room and Robbie hugged you from behind. You smile at him and he leans his head into your neck.
Robbie smiled. "What?"
"Can you go get burgers?" You giggle.
"Anything for you." He said putting on a shirt and grabbing the keys.
You put on a robe and sat in the living room waiting.
The baby kicked some. "I know I'm hungry too, Daddy's getting food."
You smile at your stomach.
Wouldn't be long till the family of three, will be.

YOU + Robbie KayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang