Leave My Sister Alone

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You were getting ready to go to school, you brushed your hair and got your backpack ready to go.
You walk out and see your big brother Robbie eating breakfast.
You set your bag down and he hands you a box of cereal.
"Hey..Uhh have those boys been hassling you again?"
You looked up. "They hassle me everyday. You go off to some acting gig and miss all the action."
Robbie looks at his little sister. Robbie was a senior and you were just a 9th grader.
"I won't miss it next time. I promise." He said finishing his food. "Hurry up, I'll be in the car."
He walked away and took his bag with him eating a piece of toast.
You sit and finish your food. People made fun of you for not having a perfect body, your teeth were not straight..and you had acne. But what teenager doesn't?!
You went and got in Robbie's mustang and drove to school.

Around lunch you eat a sandwich and some chips, and apple juice. Some guys from your grade walk by laughing.
Robbie had the same lunch as you today.
Robbie eyed his sister.
You take a deep breath.
"Hey loser!" One snickered.
"Acne face."
"Haha zit face!" They all laugh.
Robbie got up angry. "HEY!"
They stop laughing once they seen Robbie clinched his fists.
One ran away. "Wuss." One boy whispers.
Robbie looked at the boys. "Leave my sister alone."
"Or what."
"Well you're freshman right?"
They nod.
"Trust me. You don't wanna be a bully your whole life do you mates?" They shook their heads in fear.
"NOW GROW UP!" Robbie yelled.
The boys looked at you and walked away.
"WAIT!" Robbie yelled. The boys stopped in their tracks. "Apologize."
The boys turn and look at you.
You look at the boys.
"We-" they gulped. The whole school was watching.
"We are sorry, and we will leave you alone." They ran away.
You get up and hug your big brother. "Thank you Robbie I love you!"
"Love you too kiddo!" He hugged you back.

YOU + Robbie KayWhere stories live. Discover now