What did I just do?

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I looked around. Where was I? Did I do what I think I did?

I saw Ray coming towards the bed, my eyesight  was a bit misty. "Hey baby"

I had a puzzled look on my face, "What am I doing here", I said with slurred speech.

"We had a good time last night" he said as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"What?", I said, it felt like I had cotton balls in my mouth, I looked around my body, I had hickeys everywhere. "Did you give me Special K?"

"No never! Okay maybe, but only because you kept saying no and I know you wanted to"

"I have to get out of here", I said stumbling through the trash in the room. "God where's that freaking door?" I could barely see anything and my knees where weak.

"J-just gimmie a sec", I said as I fell down.

"Wake up!", Ray shouted as he started to panic, "Holy shit, what the hell did I do, oh my god, oh my god", he said as he started to sit down and cry.

Ray picked up the phone and called gram and gramps.

"I fucked up, I really fucked up", he cried out while holding the phone.

"What happened?", gramps panicked, I could here him clearly through the other end.

"Last night, Susy and I went out and, I brought her back home and she passed out and she won't wake up!"


He was lying right through his teeth, how could someone fuck up so bad?! I couldn't believe the sweet, caring, loving Ray I knew turned into this sex, drugged crazed man. I sat there throughout their conversation.

He slammed the phone on the table and ran his fingers through his hair, "I can't call fucking 911", he quietly said to himself. He started to clear the room, he took a bag of cocaine and flushed it down the toilet and dumped a bottle of wine in the sink. He walked towards he and pulled me in for a sloppy kiss while I was "unconscious". I felt so disgusted at that moment I just wanted the ambulance, I just wanted to go home, it didn't even feel like I was a teenager anymore, I'm just messing around with a dead girls boyfriend.


Beep beep beep

"She should be waking up soon", the doctor insisted as he talked to my grandparents. Gramps was crying beside gram and Ray, Ray... Was sitting in the back of the room.

I opened my eyes, my vision was very hazy, I also had an I.V in me and I was on oxygen.

"Oh!", gram said in excitement as she saw me open my eyes. "S-she's awake"

"The side effects of the drug will ware off in about 4 days, the levels of ketamine in her body was off the charts! We pumped her stomach earlier, we have most of it out"

"What's ketamine?", Gram asked.

"Ketamine also known as Special K is a date rape drug, the side effects include, blurred vision, confusion, difficulty in breathing, fainting, hives, numbness in legs, loss of balance, tightness in chest."

As soon as gram heard those words she started crying. Gram turned around and looked at Ray,  he was sitting in the chair with his hands on his face.

"I'll be back with her lab results", the doctor included as he walked out.

"Can you tell us what this is all about!", gramps shouted towards Ray.

"It was a mistake", he spoke quietly.

"What do you mean?! Susanna is in the hospital and you said it was a mistake!"

"It was a mistake okay! God I know I fucked up! But I'm learning from my mistakes!", he screamed.

"You should be in jail", gramps said while walking out with gram.

Ray sat there for a bit and walked up to me. "Hey", he softly said, "look I'm sorry, if I'm going to be honest honest now  I was high on anything you can think of that night, and I never meant to hurt you, I don't  know what came over me, b-but I can't go to jail, I'm already on probation, I love you so much"

Why was Ray being such a sociopath!? I wanted to slap him right across the face, but I can't! Because my arms and legs were numb and I couldn't barely get 3 words out if my mouth.

"I promise I'll never hurt you ever again, I
Couldn't hurt anyone after Lucy"

Strike Two

"I'm really sorry, I'll make it up to you", he said.

"I'm back wit-, oh I'm sorry was I interrupting something?", The doctor questioned.

"Oh nothing, I was just talking to her", he said.

"Oh are you Rayel Gibson?"

"Yes, why.."

"The police are outside they want to ask you a couple of questions".

"You've got to be kidding me? I didn't do anything."

"They just want to talk, okay?"

"This is fucking bogus...", he said under his breath as he went outside.

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