Old friends and college#2

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Part 2, also I based Susanna off of Angela from my so called life (Claire Danes) Ray is based off of Jordan Catalano from my so called life (Jared Leto) and Shawn hunter from boy meets world (Rider Strong) and Lucy's and Joanne's friendship is based off of Kelly and Brenda's friendship from Beverly Hills 90210 :) -Samara

Her place looked a mess, clothes everywhere cigarettes on the floor and a strange boy who left 5 minutes ago, I guess her death really effected a lot of people.

She cleared out the table, empty beer cans and papers fell on the other end of the coffee table, "Sorry for the mess, things have been-well weird"

An episode of The X-Files played on her VCR, "New episode?", Ray said nodding.

"Yeah I missed it last night I had to record it", she answered. There was a huge hole in the wall and trash near every window, the kitchen had plates pilling up, how can she look so presentable but her dorm is a mess? "So are we going to talk or are we just going to sit here?"

Her words went through one ear and came out the other, I ignored what she said just looking around her dorm, before I came to a realization Ray nudged me, "Susy?"

"Oh, sorry",I said shaking my head."Let's get going", I took out my tape recorder and started to ask her questions. "How did you and Lucy meet?"

She looked up and smiled, "I remember like it was yesterday"

"It was in 7th grade, we both hated our teacher Mr.Oxford, he was a arrogant little jerk who hated our class, he didn't know that the class hated him too, Lucy sat right in front of me, I envied her she was gorgeous she had everything, she was popular, pretty, she was invited to every party, attended every school social, she was the it girl. All the guy's wanted her, a-and I was this girl with thick glasses and good grades, so one day we were forced to work with each other."

"Hey!", Lucy said to Joanne

Joanne pushed up her glasses and gave a quiet "hey"

"Tell me you hate Mr.Oxford as much as everyone else does", she said with a laugh

"Well Mr.Oxford makes valid points about-who am I kidding I hate him", Joanne said.

"After that day we started to hang out with each other everyday, she bought my first pair of contacts, she taught me everything I know, from combing my hair right to meeting cute boys, I miss her"

"Did you know how she died?", I knew this was a risky question and everyone started to Collectively tear up.

She started to dry her eyes with her shirt, "All they told me is that she suffered a concussion", as soon as she said that Ray left the room going back to the jeep.

"Why do you want to know about Lucy so bad, she said you two weren't close", Joanne said, those words hit me hard, she was right, why did I want to know about Lucy so bad? We were never close the most talking we did was at thanksgiving and those words were "Please pass the turkey" and "I want dark meat". But just as much as Joanne envied Lucy I envied her.

"School, and stuff, I have to go- I mean see where Rayel went hold on", I said turning off my tape recorder and throwing it into my bag

I ran outside only to see Ray back in the car looking out the window.

"Open the door", I said as I pulled on the car door.

"Just go back in, I need my space.", he said still looking out the window.

I went to the other side where he was facing, "Joanne and I are done talking now let me in before my grandparents ground me!"

"We can't go back there, it's toxic I-i can't be around that atmosphere, let's just stay at a hotel for the night", he said unlocking the door.

"Ray? Are you serious a hotel? You must be kidding", I said laughing.

"No! I'm serious Lucy I-i mean Susanna", he said as he put his hand on his head, there was a huge silence between the two of us.

"Ray, I-I can't my grandparents", I said.

"Just please, I can't stay there anymore", he said as he looked me dead in my eyes.

My mind was filled with thoughts, "should I kiss him?", "should I say yes?", "should I say no? You know that saying, You're so beautiful it hurts to look at you? That describes my situation, thanks Claire Danes..

"O-okay I'll call them and say we're staying the night", I said hesitantly, looking away from him.

We drove to a motel not a hotel a motel, I was always scared of motels, living up in Virginia I had my advantages.

Ray opened the door, I looked around and there was only one bed, "I thought we said two beds?"

"I did say two, we got the best room, we can't turn back now",he said as he threw his stuff on the ground.

"Whatever I'll just sleep on the couch", I said heading towards the couch, just as I was going to lay down, but Ray grabbed my hand. It was like one of those dramatic tv shows during the climax. "Sorry", he said letting go of my arm, he curled up on the couch putting his flannel over his body.

"Ray, just sleep beside me", I said hesitantly, he looked at me for a minute then climbed into the bed he faced the opposite way and had his body close to the edge.

It felt weird having a guy that you, kind of like in your bed, I felt like doing many things at that moment, I felt like kissing him telling him that I've had this huge crush on him but I can't tell him this I'm only 16, and he probably doesn't like me.

Lights out.

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