20. Didn't Lay Down And Die

Start from the beginning

"Well crisis adverted. Let's play Life," Hunter said and handed me the lifepod.

The Next Morning

My alarm clock went off at 4 AM. I reached over Dave and shut it off. I did not want to get up. I didn't even want to go. I sat up in bed and checked my twitter. Nothing nice on here this morning I see. I put my phone back on the bedside table and got up to go shower. When I came back, Dave was sitting up in bed yawning.

"Good morning," I said softly as not to be loud and wake Hunter and Frances up.

"Good morning. When do you have to ready by?" he asked.

"The car comes in an hour," I replied with a yawn.

"Well what do you have left to do before the car comes?"

"Get dressed," I answered.

"Come snuggle for a bit. It's gonna be awhile before we see each other again," he said and lifted the blanket for me to join him. I crawled ina nd snuggled up to him.

"I wonder what Taylor is gonna eat for breakfast while I'm gone?" I thought out loud.

"I'll feed him. Don't worry," he laughed.

We snuggled and talked about the baby and random things until I looked at the clock and realized the car service would be here in 10 minutes.

"I gotta get dressed," I said and got out of the bed.

"Fine but when I see you again I'm never letting go," he responded and got out of the bed as well. I put on my dress while he made the bed. I checked to make sure I had everything I needed in my purse while Dave got dressed

Passport? Check. Phone? Check. My book? Check.

"You're car is here," Frances said as we walked out of the bedroom.

"Thanks. Sorry if we woke you." I said.

"You didn't. I got up to say good bye,"she responded.

I hugged her. "I promise I'll call if I need you but I'll text you everyday for sure."

"When and if you do I will be on the first flight out and you better. Just because you're about to be a big thing doesn't mean you can forget about me," she said as we pulled apart.

"I could never forget about you. Bye girlie," I said and headed down the stairs with Dave.

"Bye miss movie star," Frances said after me. I turned around and smiled at her. She smiled back.

After Dave and I had gotten into the car and said hey to my manager, who was in the car, he asked me something I never expected. "What were you and Frances talking about with the whole phone call thing?"

"I went through a bad time while doing press with the band after you went back to Jordyn,' I answered and turned to look out the window.

"What do you mean a bad time?" he asked.

"If I tell you, you can't get mad at me because I didn't know then that my little beanie baby was in there," I replied without looking at him.

"Brittany, tell me please?"

"I relapsed. Big time. I went too far one night and I thought I was going to overdose so I tried to end my life but Kevin and Tyler walked in and saved me," I said.

"Did Taylor know about this?" he asked.

I turned to look at him. "Yes," I responded.

"That explains why he wanted to beat the shit out me that one day," Dave said as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. We where almost at the airport.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Taylor wanted to beat up Dave? Why does no one keep me in the loop about these things.

"Well Taylor came over to my house about three weeks after you and I had broken up. He was very upset. His eyes where red and he tried to hit me. I ducked and was like wtf and he said if she doesn't make it through this, we're done. Then he left," He told me.

I saw the airport sign and started freaking a bit. A month without him was goign to be hard but I knew I could do it this time. The reason things had gotten where they ahd last time was because the band was partying hard most of the time. I stopped after my "breakdown" as the band called it. I also knew that paparazzi would be at the airport waiting forany celebrities to show up.

Dave gave my hand a big squeeze as we pulled up outside the airport.

"You two ready for this?" My manager asked.

"Hold on. I'm gonna miss you like crazy," I said and looked at Dave.

"I'm gonna miss you too. Ready?" Dave asked.

"I guess," I answered.

Dave kissed me before my manager opened the door and stepped out. After he pulled away he got out of the car and I put my sunglasses on before stepping out myself. We walked towards the airport surronded by paparazzi snapping pictures and asking questions. I did my best to ignore them but it was hard. Dave held myhand the entire way though. I step towards confirming it but it was really just because I was nervous and scared. Dave and I said another goodbye but this time just a long lingering hug before I went through security. He watched as I went through and waved when I looked back to see him one last time. I waved back, turned and walked towards where I needed to go. I would be overseas for 2 1/2 weeks before traveling back to the states and do the rest of the press the week the movie came out and the premiere. I could do this. I can make it through this alone. I had Frances if I really needed her.

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