Birthday Condolences

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Troye's POV

My birthday had arrived quicker than expected, which most people would be pleased with, but I'm not 'most people'. The day had been filled with sadness and mourning. The hurt of my dad's death was still fresh in my mind. To think, just a day over two years ago, my dad was still with us. I missed him so much, it was unfathomable.

I had to stay positive though; I hadn't travelled all the way to Sydney with twins for nothing. I was on my way to the EMI building to sign the record deal. I was sat in the back of an Uber with Tyde and Isabelle, and we were due to our destination in around half an hour.

Although we were all glum about dad, the excitement of today had shone through and had lit it up slightly. The driver stopped outside the towering building and as the twins jumped out, I payed the driver and got out myself.

Entering through the glass doors, I was greeted by a cheery receptionist. She smiled and waved, giving me an inviting feeling. Her happiness was something I envied, something I desired. I gave her a faux smile and waved back, greeting her.

"Hi, you must be Troye Mellet." She grinned.

"Sivan." I corrected, continuing when I noticed her confused expression. "Troye Sivan."

"Oh, my apologies." She began. "And these must be Tyde and Isabelle." They smiled and waved meekly, being a little shy. "If you make your way to the elevator, third floor, fourth on the right." She informed me. "Emma will be waiting for you."

Following her instructions, I made my way up to the third floor, Tyde and Isabelle in tow. Knocking on the door that was the fourth on the right, I heard a quiet 'come in'. I opened the door and was met by a short, thin woman with blonde hair and defined features.

"Hello, Troye, I'm Emma. We spoke over the phone." She told me, holding out her hand to shake. I was very hesitant as the abuse had affected me so much but I shook it nevertheless. She also shook Tyde and Isabelle's hands.

She grabbed some papers that had been stapled together and placed them on her desk that was centred in the neat and organised room. I took a seat on the chair in front of her desk as the twins sat down on the leather sofa in the corner of the room. She gave me a pen and told me where I need to sign. Almost immediately I wrote my name in my messy scrawl where she had pointed.

"Welcome to EMI Australia, Troye." She squealed. Excitement ran through my body and a massive grin found it's way onto my face; I couldn't wait to start making music.

Isabelle's POV

I was seated on the very comfortable sofa next to Tyde. We were quietly discussing random things while watching Troye from afar. We saw him signing the contract Emma; who would be his new manager, had put in front of him.

"Welcome to EMI Australia, Troye." I heard her say. I saw the genuine smile on my big brother's face, which caused one to make it's way onto my own. They talked to each for a while and not long after, we were back in an Uber to our hotel.

When we pulled up outside, we got out and headed up to our room after Troye had paid the driver. I waited patiently as Troye unlocked the door and bombarded into the room. I jumped onto my own bed, kicking off my shoes in the process. Closing my eyes, I felt the bed next to me dip. I opened them briefly to find Troye had taken a place next to me on the bed, laptop in hand with Tumblr opened up. I watched as he pulled up Skype and pressed the call button on Tyler's contact. I felt Troye's arm snake around my smaller frame and pull me into his own warmth. I rested my head on his shoulder, waving at Ty when he finally picked up.

"Hey!" He greeted energetically, his hair flat against his forehead.

"Hello!" Troye chirped, the grin still painted on his face from earlier.

"Happy Birthday!" He sung, delving into the chorus of the infamous 'Happy Birthday' song.

"Stop!" Troye joked, covering his ears, his large smile giving him away.

"What's got you so happy?" He asked, smirking.

"What? Can't I be happy without you questioning it?" He teased.

"No, you can't!" Ty grinned.

"Okay, fine, I got a record deal!" He blurted.

"Troye! That's great!" He congratulated. "Well done!"

"Thank you." He replied, blushing 50 shades of red.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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