I'm gay too

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Troye's POV

I decided to treat the twins to some ice cream, so we went to a dessert parlour downtown and ordered.

"What would you like to order today, sir?" The employee asked. I already knew both of their orders and my own.

"Can I get a mint choc chip sundae, a Nutella sundae and a brownie fudge sundae, please?" I told her.

"That will be $12.35." She informed me. I handed her the change and waited for our ice creams to be done. Once they were, we grabbed them off the lady and thanked her, before finding a place to sit.

"Troye!" A voice called. I whipped around to see Zoe, Tyler and a bunch of other people sat around a table. "Come sit with us!"

I hesitated, glancing towards my siblings for approval. They nodded and we slowly made our way over to the table.

"Hi." I greeted, taking a seat next to Zoe, the twins either side of me.

"Hello." Zoe replied. "I know you met Tyler yesterday, this is Joe, my brother, Alfie, Caspar, Marcus, Niomi, his girlfriend, Jim and his fiancé, Tanya, Louis, Louise and Connor. Guys this is Troye."

"This is my sister, Isabelle and her twin brother, Tyde." I introduced.

There were an overwhelming amount of 'hello's, as Tyde and Isabelle began interacting with the group of people. Myself, on the other hand, I was anti-social and awkward in public.

"So, Troye, tell us a bit about yourself." Connor told me.

"I'm 18 on June 5th, I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa but moved to Perth, Australia when I was two years old. Um, I started YouTube by making cover videos and I started making blog videos last year." I informed them.

"What about your parents?" Tyler questioned.

"They, uh, they died." I mumbled.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know." He apologised.

"I don't need your pity, what I need is for you to start thinking." I growled. I saw the twins stiffen beside me, and spotted a stray tear roll down Izzy's face. I grasped her hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"I-I'm sorry." He stuttered.

"Stop apologising." I sighed. "I think we're going to head back to our hotel."

Tyler glanced at his fidgeting hands, guilt written al over his face and I suddenly felt bad about snapping at him. I stood and made my way out of the door, the twins following suit behind me.


"Troye! Hi!" Tyler grinned nervously, taking a seat next to me on the sun bed. "I uh, wanted to apologise for everything."

"No, I do, I'm sorry. We got off on the wrong foot. I've had a bad day." I smiled weakly. Tomorrow was the one-year anniversary of Sage's death.

"How about we start over?" He suggested. I agreed and we began introductions. "Hi, I'm Tyler Oakley."

"Hey, I'm Troye Sivan." I answered. We began chatting and I soon discovered that it was Tyler's birthday.

"Happy birthday, Tilly." I told him.

"Tilly?" He asked smiling.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." I began before Ty cut me off.

"It's okay, Troye, I like it." He blushed. "You know if you ever need anyone, you can talk to me."

"Thanks, Ty." I replied. Even though I was tempted to spill everything out to him, I didn't think I was ready to talk about it yet.

"Troye, if I tell you something, promise me you won't freak out." He began. I nodded softly, gesturing for him to continue. "I'm gay." My jaw dropped. Tyler was gay? So I wasn't on my own? "Troye, say something." He whispered, tears welling in his eyes.

"Don't cry, Tilly, it's all right." I stared, placing a hand over his. "Because I'm gay too."

Sorry it's very short! But the chapters will get longer! To make up for it I present you with a picture of my boy; Rhys Webb ;) ~ LuciaDowney1611

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