The Harsh Truth

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Tyler's POV

Troye was gay too? That was the one thought running through my head.

"You are?" I asked. He nodded, though his head was up in the clouds.

"Troye!" I heard Isabelle squeal. She read towards us, Tyde following shortly behind her, hot on her heels. She jumped on Troye, her wet form soaking him to the bone. Tyde grabbed her by the waist, pulling her off of their older brother. "Tokky! Help me!"

She latched onto his arm and forcibly pulled him towards the edge of the pool, fully clothed. It was as if they had planned it because when they were a mere few centimeters from the edge, Tyde let go of Isabelle and she pushed him in. He emerged from underneath the water, locking eyes with a cackling Isabelle. I focused my own attention on Troye; his wet hair stuck to his face and the water droplets rolling off his body. His blue eyes shone in the sunlight and my heart skipped a beat. Am I falling in love with this boy?

Isabelle's POV

I burst into laughter when I saw Troye's soaking form pop up from underneath the water. He looked at me, glaring playfully and hauled himself out of the water. I turned my attention towards Tyler and frowned. Had the two made up or was I going crazy? All my doubts flew away when I saw the look on Tyler's face. The look of adoration was clear in his eyes. Troye pulled me into a tight cuddle, drenching me further. I squealed and pulled away, the laughter spilling from my mouth. The admiration was clear on Tyler's face and whatever was going on in his mind was a mystery to me. If I had to guess, I would have said he was thinking along the lines of how great a brother Troye was.

And I totally agreed with him. He had sacrificed everything for Tyde and I, doing everything in his power to get us everything we wanted, even if it meant going without food for himself. We never really realised how selfish we were until we found him passed out after mum's funeral. The doctor had said it was because of anxiety and stress as well as malnourishment. He would always do anything to protect us from beatings, taking all of what he physically could and more for us. I was glad to finally see him following his dreams. I would do anything to see that amazing smile all the time. I really hoped that Tyler would be the one to make that happen.

Tyler's POV

I grabbed my plate of breakfast and searched for any friends. I saw Zoe, Tanya, Niomi, Marcus and Jim and considered sitting by them but I spotted Troye in my peripheral vision sitting alone at a table. I sent the five of them an apologetic look and gestured towards Troye. Zoe nodded, mouthing 'go' to me, and smiled. I nodded back and began making my way towards him. I took a seat opposite him and frowned when I noticed his puffy face and red eyes.

"Troye, are you all right?" I asked, concerned for him.

"I'm fine." He muttered harshly, covering his face.

"Where are Tyde and Isabelle?" I questioned.

"What's it to you?!" He snapped, but before I could say one word, he stood up, slamming his knife and fork on the table. He stormed away, myself following suit, trying to catch up to him. His long legs made it a challenge but I caught up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He brushed me off angrily and his face went red with anger. " Would you stop following me?!"

"What's wrong with you today?" I began. "What's with the attitude change?"

"You wouldn't understand." He growled.

"Then make me!" I pleaded. "Troye, please."

"I can't!" He yelled.

"Why can't you?" I tried.

"My sister is dead, my mum is dead, my dad is dead, my brother abandoned us and it's my fault. You wouldn't understand, you couldn't understand, Tyler! You have never lost the majority of your family!" He cried. I pulled him into my arms, cradling him. He pushed me away, running upstairs and deserted me in the hallway alone. I was left to wonder in the comfort of my own mind. But why today? No matter what I thought about, my brain always drifted back to the mysterious blue eyed boy and his experiences with life.

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