Chapter 3 : The Conversation

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"We're here to show Mikasa what fun feels like." He answered. I saw Armin smile. "Well then, come in!" He said. We both walked in and I looked around inside Armin's house. Amazing. 

"So, what do you guys do for fun?" I asked.

"Well..." Armin began.

Both of them looked at each other and smiled. "What?" 

"It's just that...sometimes we trick people." Eren replied. Trick? "Trick who?" I asked. "People. We'll show you, but give us some time to think of a trick." Armin said. I nodded as they both went upstairs and shutting the door behind them.

After a few minutes later, they came down. "Okay, let's go." I stood up and noticed each of them was holding a bag.

"What's inside that bag?" I asked pointing to the bag. "You'll see." Eren replied. After some walking, we stopped. "Come." Armin whispered. I followed them and crouched behind a bush. "What are we doing here?" I asked while whispering.

"We're gonna trick Levi." Eren whispered back. 

When I heard Levi's name I widened my eyes. "Levi?! Are you crazy?! He's gonna kill us for sure if we do this!" I whispered. "Just trust us. You see Levi eating right there?" Eren whispered looking at Levi. I nodded. "When he leaves, we're gonna switch his food...." Eren took out a jar of dead ants. "With this."

I fake gagged. 

"Seriously?! What if he catches us?! We're all gonna be so dead if he does!" "But you're strong as hell." 

"But if I fight him he's gonna kill me! I don't want that." I whispered. "Trust us, we're never gonna be caught. Besides, we call ourselves the champions of tricking people. We never get caught." Armin whispered. 

I sighed.

"Fine. But if he does catch us, i'll let him deal with me. Got it?" They nodded. We stayed inside the bushes until Levi left. 

We waited for 10 minutes but he still hasn't left. "He's never gonna leave..." I said. "Just wait." Eren replied. 

Then, Levi stood up and walked to the men's bathroom. "That's our chance, let's go!" We all stood up and walked inside the restaurant. We went towards Levi's table and Eren and Armin took stuff out of the bags.

I was feeling so nervous. What if he does catches us? What do I say to him? I was out of my thoughts when Eren called me.

"Mikasa, take this." He handed me a knife and a dead fish. "Slice that, make sure it's bloody." he said. I nodded and gulped. 

I started slicing and slicing each part of the dead fish. When we were done...I...I wanted to do this again. "Wow, this is fun." I smiled. They smiled too. "Wait until Levi comes back." Eren said as he placed the lid over his new disgusting food. "Let's go!" We ran out of the restaurant and hid behind a bush.

I wonder how Levi reacts!

After a few minutes of waiting, we saw Levi coming back to his table. He looked confused while looking at his food. Then, he placed his hand on the lid. He's gonna open it, he's gonna open it! 

He opened it.




Levi widened his eyes. Then I saw anger in his eyes. We laughed quietly as his reaction. I did too. Levi walked to the waiters and heard him yelling. "Come on let's go!" Eren whispered. We all stood up and ran.

(After pranking/tricking people....)

"That was so much fun!" I said. "Told you. But we better get going, bye Armin!" Eren waved to Armin and I waved to him too. And he waved back.

My Life My Love (An Eremika story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang