Alexandra's Letters

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I know that the moment you're reading this is I'm already gone. I mean, not gone by dead but as in gone with Cody and Jenna. I'm sorry. For every-fucking-thing I've done. I know, I know. You're probably surprise that I'm saying sorry. It's the first time, right? I am writing this letter because I'm not sure if we'll come back alive. But before I die, I want you to know that I love you, Ken. So fucking damn much. I know it's the wrong time to confess but who damn cares? If we don't survive in the war, don't blame yourselves. We did this war. We created it and it's our job to finish this freaking thing. Don't come looking for us, okay? And train those idiotic assholes well. I know they can be useful someday. Good bye, Ken.

Saying good bye,


Van and Thean,

Hello brothers, I know you'll be furious when you saw this but you should understand that I'm doing this for the all of you. We created this mess and we should fix it. Alone. Don't come looking for me, Van, Thean, promise me that. I did this to keep you safe so don't waste it. There's a chance that I'm gonna die out there so I need to tell you these things. First of all, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the secrets and lies. I'm sorry for being such a fucking stupid brat. I'm sorry if I'm too dumb. I'm sorry for all the pain. But, I want to thank you too. Thank you for being an amazing brothers to me. You two are the best and I'm the worst. I love you, guys. And tell Mom and Dad I love them so fucking much. Train the others well. I know you could do that. I'm sorry... and thank you for everything. I love you. And good bye.

Your sister,


Idiots, assholes and bitches, (Kidding)


You are the worse. Take that as a compliment because that's how I compliment everyone. I don't even know why I'm writing this shit for you guys or maybe I know and I just don't want to admit it to my fucking self. Since there's a probability that I'm gonna die, which I know you'll be happy, I want to thank you for the eleven months of fucking corny jokes and stupid but a little witty comebacks. All of you need to train harder, got that assholes? TRAIN HARDER! Joy and Lora? Please don't flirt with my brothers and Ken or else I'll really kill you. Jirve? Don't be stupid. Charlie? Help Van out. Hunter? Learn new things. Night? Don't know what to say. Azrael, if you're there, help everyone. I don't know what else to say. If we don't come back, stay together and be united because admit it or not, we got close to each other. Oh fuck. That sounds corny and cheesy. Whatever. Goodluck to your training with Fourth the asshole!

P.S. Beat his fucking ass for me.

The Bitch Queen,

AlexandraWhere stories live. Discover now