Crying in the rain - Unwelcomed jealousy

Start from the beginning

“That’s not a good way to get him to fall in love with you.” Becky said standing up.

“What’s with you guys?” She asked twirling her hair around her fingers as she walked to the window and watched the boys leave.

“Don’t even get me started, he freaked out on me last night when Toby came to pick me up and it made me mad!” I shouted a little too loudly.

“So he does like you!” She shouted again, smiling to herself.

“No! Neither of us likes each other!” I refused to agree with her.

“Well, whether you want to or not… its happening. Did you see how he tried to make you jealous?” She asked standing up, her face was completely serious this time.

“You read into things too much.” I said laughing at her.

We ended up watching a movie in my room, The Time Traveler’s Wife. Jayden brought up the pizza for us to eat and we grabbed a bunch of blankets to put on my bed. Halfway through the movie I could hear Becky sleeping. I wanted to finish the movie but I knew I was close to sleep as well; I tried to fight it off as long as I could.

“Emma-Bear.” Colin said, pushing the hair out of my face. “You need to stop lying to yourself.” I sighed as I stirred in my sleep, waking up.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, trying to play stupid.

“Stop feeling guilty for trying to move on… everyone is happy for you. Becky seems real nice.” He smiled at me. I felt the butterflies in my stomach. My face fell… I get those whenever I was alone with Noah.

“And it’s okay to move on… from me, you know?” I could feel my eyes start to water but I couldn’t let them fall freely.  “Whether you believe it or not, I’m working on that right now.” He said, smiling really big.

“What do you mean? Are you trying to set me up with someone?” I asked, shocked. He kept smiling at me and winked.

“Colin! Just tell me, is it Toby?” I yelled, hitting him. He laughed and pushed me off my bed. I landed on the floor with a jolt.

I woke up feeling like I was falling. My dream came rushing back to me.  Who was he trying to set me up with? I could feel my bladder getting ready to explode. I sighed and slowly got out of the bed and opened my door. I was wearing no socks and short boy pajama shorts. When my feet walked down the hallway on the cold wood floor, it sent chills down my arms. I heard the TV on in Jayden’s room as I passed by his door quietly tiptoeing. I shut the bathroom door and locked it. I looked at myself in the mirror, my face was red and my eyes still had my makeup on.

Once I was finished going to the bathroom I opened the door and started to walk. I felt a hand grab on to my wrist and drag me into my brothers’ room.

“What are you doing, Jayden?” I asked, hissing at him.

“Emma.” The instant I heard his voice I got the butterflies back. I lost my breath for a second and it took a minute to gain my composure.

“What Noah?” I asked, sternly. I clenched my jaw and tried my best to avoid his eye contact.

“I’m sorry.” He sure didn’t sound like it. I stayed silent waiting for him to let go of my wrist so I could book it out of there.

“I don’t know what got into me… but I didn’t mean it that way.” I looked up at his eyes. They were looking down at me, sad.

“I was just worried for you. I don’t want you doing something you would regret when you’re in such a fragile state.” His words made since but I wasn’t ready to forgive him. I looked over at Jayden’s bed, he wasn’t there.

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