Midnight Kisses (Part 7)

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hey wattpaders, i'm so sorry i haven't uploaded in like ages but i have been really busy, i know thats not an excuse i could have fit in some writing time somewhere. anyways i really hope you like this one, i will upload part 8 when i get 15 votes, so get clicking people :D don't forget about comment either i love hearing waht you think, it inspires me to write more.

xxx little ash.


We had been making out for at least 10 mins when we heard a gasp behind us.

Startled we both sat up to see who it was.

"Ben?" she whispered

I looked at Violet, her face was white and her eyes were wide. I looked over at Ben, he had the same expression on his face only it quickly changed anger when he diverted his eyes to me.

Oh shit.

(end of recap)

(Ben's POV)

What the hell, my best friend and my sister? What the hell would have happened if I didn't happen to come home? Man I don't even want to think about it.

I stood there staring at Violet, half naked for what felt like years, but it was probably just a few seconds. I then diverted my gaze to the half naked Blake, my shock quickly turned to anger and by the look on his face he noticed it.

"Man, I can explain," Blake pleaded.

"What the fuck are you doing on top of my sister?" I was pissed off so bad. "Violet put some fucking clothes on," I yelled.

Violet obviously not wanting to get in any more trouble jumped off the couch she was sharing with Blake and ran over to her shirt lying on the floor near our 65 inch plasma TV and pulled it on. Violet took a few steps towards me, hesitated for a second then walked to me stopping a few inches away from me.

"Please don't be mad." She whispered placing her hand on my cheek.

I felt my anger subside a lot, but not completely. Violet has always been good at making me less angry, I wonder if she can control peoples moods? I smirked at myself for that thought. That would be awesome, I wouldn't be surprised if she could do that, Violet is pro at being weird, but in a good way.

I looked her in the eyes then murmured "I will hear you out before I get mad, how does that sound?"

Her face lit up then dropped in a few seconds and tears welled up in her eyes.

"Violet what's wrong?" I pulled her to my chest and rocked us side to side. She was crying hysterically now.

"Shh its ok deep breaths." I cooed rubbing her back.

After she calmed down a bit I asked her again. "Violet what's wrong?"

"A a a f-f-few nights ago I w-was" she stopped.

"you were?" I encouraged.

"Iwasalmostraped" she blurted out so fast I almost missed what she said.



Did she say she was almost raped?

Immediately I thought Blake, Blake was here with her while I was gone, I know there is a line forming of males at our school jockeying up to get in her pants. Blake is probably one of those people in that line.

Within seconds I was on top of Blake punching his face.

I heard Violet scream in the background.

"BEN STOP IT, STOP IT RIGHT NOW." Violet yelled and pulled me off him. whoa she is strong for a girl, stronger then I thought a girl could be.

"Why the hell did you do that?" she screamed. "It wasn't him, it was someone else."

It was someone else?

Man I feel like an ass. I just try to beat up my best friend. Ha but he deserved it he was making out with my sister on the couch.

I guess it could be worse. Blake is a good guy, I would know he is my best friend, but he has never been a one lady man, and I'm not letting anyone use my sister for a one night stand.

Not even Blake.

"Who was it then" I whispered.

Violet pursed her lips into a straight line and a single tear rolled down her face.

I looked over to Blake. He was still lying on the floor using his elbows to prop himself up. He had a cut on his lip, his nose was bleeding, a cut cheek and a black eye.

If I wasn't so mad and if Blake wasn't my best friend I probably would have thought I had done a pretty good job.

I held my hand out to Blake to help him up, he stared at it for a while before grabbing it.

Don't get me wrong I'm still pissed with him for using my sister but I had a bigger problem to deal with first.

Blake walked over to Violet hugged her, then kissed her forehead. He whispered something unintelligible to her, she nodded and he lead her over to the couch and pulled her on his lap.

What the hell is going on?

Violet patted the spot next to them on the couch and told me to sit. I did as she said.

"We are going to explain everything to you," Blake said. When Blake started talking Violet put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

Blake explained everything. About their relationship, the fight they had, the party, Shawn, the fight with Shawn, the police man and worst of all the 'almost rape'. I felt all the blood drain from my face when he explained how he had gagged her, ripped her clothes.

"I got there just in time, I gave him a broken arm, 6 ribs and severe concussion. The police wanted him for recent rapes and assault against a police officer and grand theft auto, he stole the cop car and uniform before he tried to....... He was sentenced to life in jail." Blake told me with no emotion in his voice, pain, sadness and worry was written all over his face though.

Violet had fallen asleep and was snoring softly.

"Why didn't you call me?" I asked

"We tried, but every time we called your number it said your phone was off." He said

Oh that's right I dropped my phone in a puddle of water and it stopped working, damn.

"Do you really care for her?" I asked looking at Violet.

"I care for her a lot, I want to be with her and do everything for her. It's weird I have never fell so hard for a girl before. I have really liked her for a long time but never did anything about it, because she is your little sister and you're my best friend. Then I just cracked and I had to have her. I'm sorry man."

"nah it's all good, but if you hurt her, I don't care if you're my best friend I will beat you up, and you will regret ever laying your eyes on her." I threatened. "You should take her up to her room."

Blake obviously cared for her very much, I could see it in his eyes. I'm not going to be a dick and stand in their way, they deserve each other, I just hope he doesn't hurt her.

"She wont sleep in her room, I have been sleeping in your bed with her," I glared at him. "But we haven't done anything I swear." He blurted out so fast realising why I was glaring. I had to laugh at that.

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