Midnight Kisses (Part 5)

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hey everyone, sorry i took a while to upload this, i didn't really want to write this part so i tired putting it off, anywayz please comment and vote, it takes just one little click to vote.

XX ash

(Violets POV)

"Are you okay Miss?" the police officer asked looking at me weirdly. The policeman was really young, I'm guesstimating in his early twenties, and he was hot too.

I found it kind of weird that even though I was throwing my guts up, I was still able to notice that the policeman standing next to me looking at me funny was young and hot, with his brunette hair, chocolate coloured eyes and obviously well maintained body.

"Umm, yeah I'm fine. I umm have gastro." I might be drunk but I'm not stupid, I'm not about to tell a police officer, not matter young and cute he is, that I'm drunk and the reason I'm walking on the side off the road is because two extremely gorgeous guys were fighting over me.

"Ha ha, what do you think I was born yesterday? I can clearly see you are under the influence of alcohol Miss." He laughed.

"Oh" that was my genius response.

"Well come on jump in I will give you a lift," he smiled

"Isn't that your job, to drive a drunk teenager to the police station, till their parents come bail them out?" Jeez was this cop a few fries short of a happy meal or what?

"There is one problem with that though," I continued.

"Oh yeah, and what would that problem be miss?" he asked with his left eyebrow raised.

"Both my parents are dead," I murmured.

"Oh, I'm so sorry miss. But that wont be a problem, because I was going to take you home and let you off with a warning." He smirked at me.

"Oh," well maybe a bad night isn't going to turn out so bad after all.

"This one here," I said pointing to my house.

The policeman who told me his name was Jake pulled into my driveway and let out a low whistle.

"Nice place, how do you afford it?" Jake asked admiring my house.

"Umm my parents brought when my brother and I were little, and they left us a lot of money when they died, that's how we afford it." I grinned. "Well thanks for the lift," I said opening the car door.

"Hang on," he said grabbing my hand to stop me from getting out the car, "how about I walk you to the door and make sure someone is home."

"Err umm no one is home." I mumbled.

"Well I will just have to wait with you until someone gets here then," he smiled at me.

I wasn't exactly comfortable having a twenty something year old guy in my house when no one else was home, but hey this guy was a cop how bad could he be?


I lead him inside flicking on the lights while we made our way to the kitchen.

"So do I get a grand tour of the Miss Violets Mary Mason's home?" Jake asked.

Whoa I don't know if it's the alcohol talking but this guy seems to be flirting with me.

"Sure," I forced a smile this was getting kind of creepy. Where is Blake? I pulled my phone out my bra and sent a message to Blake.

ME: Blake where r u?

BLAKE: Looking 4 u, where r u?

ME: Home, can u plz come home I need u

BLAKE: sure I will be there in 10

"This is my brothers room," I said pointing to the doors "this is the room Blake is staying in, this my room,"

"Your room?" he asked pointing to my door.

"Umm yeah what about it?"

"Nothing, but I would like to see it," a smiled a crooked smile.

"Umm okay." I opened my door and he walked in.

It's okay Blake will be here soon and he will leave, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

I stepped in to my room, being cautious of Jake. Jake started walking to my door, I thought he was going to leave and ask to see the rest of the house. Boy was I wrong. Jake slammed my door shut and sauntered towards me with lust showing in his chocolate brown eyes.

"J-j-jake w-what are you d-doing?" I stuttered.

"Hopefully I will be doing you in a minute." An evil grin spread across his face. I backed away, towards my bathroom.

"Stay away from me," I tried to hide my fear but he could probably see it in my eyes.

"Aw don't be like that babe."

He took a few steps towards me, I took a few steps away. I kept walking backwards till I hit my bathroom door. I spun around to try and open it but he grabbed me from behind and placed his hand over my mouth. I screamed, and kicked but he was too strong for me.

Jake cuffed my hands to the headboard on my bed and then ripped my dress down.

I could feel tears streaming down my face, I thrashed about on the bed, I was still screaming.

"Shut up you stupid girl." He yelled slapping me across the face.

I whimpered "why are you doing this to me?"

"Why not?" Was his simple answer.

By now he had pulled of his pants and socks. He tied his socks together and tied it around my head, gagging me with the knot in my mouth.

He hopped on my bed and straddled me, I closed my legs tightly together.

I heard a door slam downstairs.

"Violet are you here? Why is there a police car in the driveway?" Blake called. Oh my god it's Blake. I tired to scream but the sock gag muted my cries for help.

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