11 One Wierd Camping Trip Part 2

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"Hikaru, Kaoru! Can you two help me with this?" The third triplet asks holding 5 logs, obviously struggling.

"Nah we're good." The two say waving her off. She nods hesitantly trying to not make the logs tip over. Each step becoming more suspenseful.

"Haruhi? Can you?" Liva'ka asks not taking her eyes off the logs.

"Sorry can't I have to find the bug spray."


"Grabbing the sleeping bags."

Liva'ka sighs and nervously keeps walking towards the fire.

"Wow you must be pretty weak to not be able to carry only 5 logs." Hani giggles. Mori grunts in agreement. Liva'ka stays silent not wanting to bring up the fact that a thick splinter is digging into her hand. I'm not weak. I can carry 5 logs. A silly splinter won't stop me.


"Liva'ka we all have our jobs we need to do for this trip." Liva'ka nods understanding hiding the pain she's feeling going through her hand. The ginger triplet takes a step and her eyes go wide. Liva'ka wobbles losing balence on her feet making all the logs tumble out of her arms. The logs hit Tamaki and Haruhi making them fall backwards hitting the tents. The tents poles fly out and hit Mori and Hani making the buckets of water pour all over the fire and some splash Kyoya. Everyone freezes and slowly look at Liva'ka shaking with anger.


"I'm Sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" Liva'ka apologizes putting her hand behind her back.

"Ugh you can't do anything right!" Hikaru yells throwing his hands in the air.

"Seriously Liva'ka?" Kaoru gives her an icy glare. They all turn away from her and try to fix the damage. Liva'ka starts shaking.

"I asked for help! I did! But who was willing to take a quick second to take off one or two big ass logs, were they?!" They all turn to her starting to feel bad. "You know what forget it." Liva'ka grabs her sleeping bag, her lamp, rope, water and food. She then walks off.

"Maybe we should have helped her." Everyone turns to Tamaki.

"Wow Einstein you're a genius." Haruhi mutters.


"Aha!" Liva'ka looks up at her tree fort. She sprays bug spray all over the tree to make sure no bugs get to her. "Perfect."

The red haired girl then jumps into the fort and smiles.

"Liva'ka!" Liva'ka peeks out of the fort to see the host club below her. Damn...

"Where is she?" Her brothers mumble. Liva'ka then drops empty can of food on all of their heads.

"Ow! Where did those come from?!" Hikaru and every one looks up and Liva'ka hurrily hides.

"Empty food cans?" Tamaki mumbles picking one up.

"Liva'ka?" Haruhi looks up at the tree.

"Go away..."

"Liva'ka, we're sorry we yelled at you. We should have helped you. You would have helped us like any good friend should have done and we were terrible friends." Liva'ka pokes her head out and looks at them. They all stare at each other in silence.

"I said go away." The host club sweat drops.

"Why won't you just forgive us?!" Hikaru yelled frustrated, Kaoru trying to calm him down.

"Becaus-! BUG! NO NO NO! GET AWAY! AHHHHH!" Liva'ka falls out of the tree. Everyone stares up shocked and frozen. Mori quickly jumps out and catches her before she hits the ground. Liva'ka looks at Mori terrified.

Triplets are even WORSE! (OCxKyoya)Where stories live. Discover now